Jul 8, 2013

Releasing the symbol of marriage - Guided dissolution

Wow, what a journey!
Here I am sooooo full of Gratitude for all that is Given, for Erik and all that we went through together, for the Beauty and Profoundity of the undoing of the idea in a separate self!

Here is probably the last post that will happen on this blog, as Erik and I just entered to the court in CA, the papers signed for a summary dissolution, which is another way of getting a divorce, to which I was guided! Wow, how surprising you might think. What happened?

Actually how joyful is the experience I am in... Nothing happened! The marriage has served the Purpose it was intended for... awakening to our True Nature. We never knew what was in the Plan, but our vow was a marriage to God, to follow the Guidance of the Spirit and to have Awakening as primary Purpose! We knew and were real about it, that it could end any time! No different than any other marriage, except that we were very aware of it, and also that if it was the case, it wouldn't be coming from a conflict but from Guidance and Love!

Several months ago, I received the Guidance that it was time, that we were to each go our way. I could feel it coming... The biggest part of me was all for it, but I could see a subtle desire to stay in the comfort and the ease of our relationship. One day, as I was talking to a friend about it, I had this vision of Erik and I taking the step and being in such a state of Joy, that I ran in the room where he was and told him "It is time, we have to take that step! I know that at a logical level, it makes no sense, but I've seen and felt the Joy and I need to trust that. I'm a bit scared, but I feel that is the direction" and so it was. Erik wasn't full of joy at that time, but could feel something in what I was sharing. We decided together that when the time to fill any paper would come, we would both feel it and wouldn't do anything before that!

Although this was really clear in our minds, nothing really changed. As there is such a certainty in our minds, that the Love we feel for each other has nothing to do with each other and will never stop because the bodies are not together or because our seeming marital status changes. We know in such a deep way that this Love is beyond everything and is unbreakable! And that's what was revealed through our marriage... to constantly go beyond the form, to recognize the Love that never changes, that is untouched by anything.

Since that day, all the steps, as for the marriage, were Given us in perfect timing! I would even say in wondrous, miraculous ways... and there is absolutely no sense of sacrifice, or loss in any way!
If anything it is even more Love and more Joy that is present.

And for me, all the letting that occurred in these last couple of months with absolutely everything leaves nothing but Gratitude and a deeper Recognition of the I that I Am! It's shining brightly and with that comes a Certainty that what I Am is not of this world, and really that the world holds nothing that I want!

Thank You God for creating us Perfect, at your Likeness and Unchangeable!

Forever Grateful and In Love

Mar 8, 2013

"Just Relax" in Belgium

Here is a session from the recent gathering with David (and Armelle translating) that we were at in Belgium in which I opened up with my song, "Just Relax".  Enjoy...

Feb 23, 2013

Already Home

"You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to reality." - A Course in Miracles (T-10.I.2:1)

"You dwell not here, but in eternity. You travel but in dreams, while safe at home." (T-13.VII.17:6-7)

Enjoy this song as a nice, healing reminder...

More Music!

I just finished uploading a bunch of mine and Armelle's older recordings to Soundcloud.  Feel free to download them to your computer, share them, or just enjoy them by yourself... :-)

It's Only Me

A song I wrote about accepting responsibility for my life in the deepest possible way...

"You are the dreamer of the world of dreams. No other cause it has, nor ever will."  - A Course in Miracles (T-27.VII.13:1-2)

Jan 29, 2013

Circle of Life

Touched from the inside
when I look in your eyes
suddenly I become blind
and see with my heart
what a bright spark
shining like a star

I See you and laugh...
and again touched in the Heart!
The One seeing the One
Unending circle of Life



Délivrée... (Wave of Inspiration 3)

Je ne peux m'arrêter
des que je pose ma tête sur l'oreiller
je l'entends chanter
tous ces hymnes colorés

je n'ai de pensée
ces mots
coulent à flots
tel des hymnes libérés

de voix je n'ai pas
mais j'emboîte le pas
de ce qui s'écrit
mais jamais ne se dit

non je ne sais pas
comment ni pourquoi
j'entre dans la danse
et tout prend un sens

des lettres s'accolent
des mots alors se forment
quel beau procédé
que celui de créer

ne rien y comprendre
le laisser filer
quand vient la suivante
juste la laisser s'échapper

encore et encore
sans en voir le corps
et le résultat,
ça n'en parlons pas

qui en jugera?
il n'y a que moi!!

un dans le décor
marchant sur le bord
tombera, tombera pas
... mais qui sera là?

ArT m'L :)

Revealed... (Wave of Inspiration 2)

Lightening in my eyes
In the dark night
Stars in the sky
On the black background

Painting on the shore
Of the beach of love
Here I am I fly like a dove
And when the wind blows
As a feather I flow

Nothing to compare
This feeling inside
I go, I depart
But never leave the start

Here I am, full and empty in the core
No room to want more
The speaker found its door
Resting in the Heart
Its voice quiets down

Quiet peace
Peaceful stilness
Here I am your Altess

<3 o:p="">
Awe M'L

Waves of Inspiration 1

Dans le noir de la nuit
Mes yeux ne voient point
Ils sont aveugles
Mais mon Coeur, lui, sait
Il parle pour trois
Le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit
La sainte trinité..
L’aimé, l’aimant et ce qui est aimé
À jamais inséparé

Il parle de toi, le bien-aimé
Tant recherché
Il parle de moi, qui voit mais ne dit pas
Car de mot il n’a pas
Ce silence si intense
Parle bien plus fort
Que la sirène la plus forte d’un bateau quittant le port
Et simplement, il est là

Rien, non, il n’est besoin de rien faire
Le repos bien mérité
Du guerrier fatigué
La toile blanche du drapeau
Frappée par le vent
Chante doucement
Le chant de la Paix

Tout est là
Rien de plus
Plénitude immense
Vide de tout sens
La Vie, pas à pas
Qui de l’au-delà
Ne sait juste pas...

Le paradoxe permanent
De l’impermanence incessante
Incontrôlée, incontrôlable
Insensée, inlassable

Qui de tout temps
N’a cessé d’être,
Tout simplement, le Moment Présent
Quelle belle pièce!

<3 p="">
ArT m'L

Jan 27, 2013

The Life of The Buddha

Here's a great documentary we watched the other night about the life of Buddha, followed by a talk that David Hoffmeister gave ABOUT the movie. I highly recommend both if Enlightenment is a subject that interests you, as David goes into great depth about how Enlightenment can be experienced, as well as the relationship between Buddhism and A Course in Miracles.


The Life of The Buddha:

David's Spreaker talk: