Mar 7, 2010

There is nothing to fear

Brothers and Sisters,

I feel Guided today to share with you the glorious news that there truly IS nothing to fear! The world seems to be a very fearful place, in which danger seems to be around every corner. And yet, when you begin to wake up from a dream, and recognize that you are not in the dream, but are the Dreamer of the dream, what is there left to fear?

These last days, I've watched my mind and seen many fears attempt to creep their way in and convince me of the "reality" of separation from Source. Fears about what may happen in the future; fears about how people might react to me if I don't start behaving like a "normal, responsible person" is "supposed" to behave; and fears about financial security. And yet, what I'm finding is that all these fears stem from an underlying fear that if I don't control things, then I will be snuffed out of existence.

That is really the only fear there is. The fear of no longer existing. It is the fear of being killed. It stems from the idea that something VERY wrong has happened, that I am to blame, and that at any moment, God might discover me and wipe me out of existence forever. If I really dig deeply into any of my so-called worldly or "personal" concerns and fears, and am willing to see what I'm REALLY afraid of... it's always the same fear: death, or non-existence.

Yet, what is really afraid? Is it my true Self? No. It is the part of my mind that we call the ego; the part of my mind that is deeply invested in the belief that it has separated itself from God and has taken God's power for itself. It believes that it has taken God's power away from God, and used this power to create its own kingdom... this entire cosmos of time and space, all of which is nothing more than a false idea projected outward.

The reason that there is nothing to fear is because God did not create this world, and therefore it does not truly exist except as a dream in our deceived mind. Dreams may seem very fearful, especially when you belief that the character in the dream is who you are, but even if you die in your dream, you can NEVER die in reality. As God's perfect Creation, we are pure, immortal Spirit, extending Love in the realm of infinity forever and ever.

In my dreamstate, this truth is mostly blocked from my awareness, but the more I practice true forgiveness - forgiving my brothers for what they NEVER truly did - the more I remember Where I Really Am. As Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." It is here. It is now. And it is perfectly invulnerable to the fearful imaginings of our make-believe ego self. We ARE saved.

So relax. Be willing to question the purpose of preoccupying the mind with worldly concerns and "problems". The world and all of its problems are nothing but a great deception, designed by the false ego to perpetuate it's make-believe existence. When fear arises, it always comes from identifying with the ego, and fearing nonexistence. And yet, the ego's nonexistence is assured! It is not to be feared but Joyously celebrated Now!

There IS no ego! There IS no death! There IS no world of time and space! There is only God, and we are His Beloved Son Now and for eternity. Let us accept Reality and be Happy!

All my Love,