May 3, 2010

Let do ... Welcome miracles

I always want something different, something other than what is there ... and everything is there, but I do not want it, I want more, I want something else.

I really want there to be a quest, that there be a path on which to walk, that there be something to find ... I do not want what is there, just now. For if there is a quest, there is a seeker and that's what makes me special, seeking. And if I no longer search, I'm not special.

Because that's where it all began, the Son had everything, everything was there and he wanted to go elsewhere, he wanted more, something else, something different and we replay that over and over again indefinitely, not taking what life offers us in the flow, and desperate to have our own individual will and create what we believe to be good for us. And struggles come from wanting to still play in both worlds, to be part of both worlds.

I saw it tonight regarding my trip to Toronto where for several days, I was inspired to contact a friend to spend the first days at his place, and as he did not respond the way I had hoped, I didn't answer anything, and I got it into my head that I had no place to sleep on arrival and I would see what the Spirit would give me, opening myself to other possibilities. But everything had already happened, everything was already done, planned, and yet I did not want to see it, because it didn’t meet what I wanted, imagined.

But who was wanting?

 So I wanted something else, so I imagined that there could be something else, something even better. But I'm not following this path for me to make friends, but for the healing of the mind and I do not know what my best interest is. So I have to trust what the Spirit gives me and defer to Him, to the guidance that I feel in me and not try to do things differently in my own way, to seek again and again ...

STOOOOOOP! It’s time to stop seeking. It is time to stop and see that Everything is already there ... that is what Spirit was telling me the last night at the center "Rest. Do nothing. Do nothing anymore. I’ll take care of everything ... "

Wow miracles are flying, this is crazy. I just finished writing all that and opened my FaceBook and I saw that Janet, from Toronto just wrote me and asked me my flight number, arrival time and told me not ask questions about my lodging. It's wonderful, absolutely wonderful. I had just accepted what was there, realized I did not need to search for anything else, and now the Spirit is manifested through my sister to talk to me ...

I replied, telling her about this friend I had not heard from recently, but to whose house I was obviously guided to go, although I haven’t had a reply, although I have no assurance, even if I don’t know it with the certainty of this world, I know that everything has already happened, I know that everything is orchestrated. I shared with her that I had this confidence in the Holy Spirit and I felt that everything was perfect.

She replied instantly saying she would be at the airport to greet me with a sign with my name and that I would have a place to sleep, everything is taken care of for me ... She and Carlos are taking care of everything!

It's wonderful ... I burn from the inside, it's so huge, it's so true, it's crazy!

Stop wanting more, stop wanting something else ... Open your eyes to what is ALREADY HERE.... and let go to Spirit, trust Him, a trust complete ...

What joy ... He does everything, I do nothing ...

Translated by Andy