May 10th
This came as I was meditating and felt writing. Seeing this unity, this oneness is what is expressing itself through every of us, because it uses what has been made to be undone and realizing then, when time is no longer there, that is has never been, that there was never any separate parts, no time, no space. But it’s not an intellectual knowing, it’s an experience that shows you in that Moment, that none of it is real. For there is nothing outside what is. It’s complete by Itself. And then bodies still seem to move and do and act, but You, You know, You are in Heaven, and they are just images in the mind that have no reality whatsoever. It’s just one dream, meaning nothing. You are the Meaning, the Ultimate and Only Meaning there is. Totally abstract, for no word could enter it.
Hi Jesus, Wow, this day is rich in different kind of insight and deeper questioning!
I’d like first have a look at power and magic. I give the power to magic to “heal” and because I believe in their power, they are used by the Spirit to reduce the fear when it’s too high to accept a miracle. So in a sense, it seems to me as if I am giving to magic the power of my mind, but of which I am too afraid. It’s like I don’t want to recognize how powerful my mind is, and therefore I give the power to some agents outside me, whatever they are, to do what my mind can do (that I am aware of it or not) and that only happens in the mind.
Yes, you project onto something or someone outside you that they have some kind of power that you don’t have, and that they can heal and you don’t, which makes you feel powerless, but the “good” side of it that keeps it going on is that you don’t have responsible for what happens “to you”. You keep being a victim of the world, of others, of sickness, of emtions, etc… So you cannot change anything! But actually magic of all kinds are just the reflection of the decision in your mind to heal. In themselves they have no power. That’s why you cannot really explain the phenomenon of healing as long as you believe it’s coming from outside. It has to be recognized that the agent is only the reflection of the mind, and that the healing is happening in the mind. Healing is not of the body. It can be reflected in the body as en effect of a healed mind, but it’s not always the case, and if it’s not, it doesn’t mean anything.
So, as long as I am not ready to fully accept the power of my mind, or that I don’t want to recognize it, it keeps being projected outside me, whether on magic as healing devices or also on authority figures that I then believe have power over me?
Yes, as long as you don’t want to face something, to look at the guilt that is in the mind, you’ll keep projecting it outside. And you’re afraid of this power, because you do believe you’ve misused to separate from God, and so you could do it again. So you are trying to hide the fact that you believe you are responsible for the separation, that you’ve done something wrong. And as long as you will push that in and not look at it, it will keep coming in many different forms, so that you see it and release it. You’ve never done anything wrong because separation never happened. So you never misused your power, which is God’s. That’s why it’s so powerful, because He created you as Him. You even have the power to give power to what has none and believing it, the power to make up a world which doesn’t exist and believe it’s real and getting caught in it. But if you have that power, you also have the power to undo it and realizing that nothing has happened. All that it takes is your willingness to want nothing else but Truth, Reality.
Yeah… but even if I wanted very strongly separate I couldn’t because it has never been God’s Will and therefore not mine either. Because nothing can happen that is not God’s Will. So I can believe it has happened because there is a voice in my head that tells me so, and because I wanted it I believe I did it, and I am responsible. That’s why I hide, because I feel guilty of that thought of wanting something else than God, more or different. So I hide the guilt, because I’m afraid others will see it. And the best way to hide it is to project it on others, so that they become the guilty ones, and I am innocent. But then I lost my power. As I always have that thought deep down that I did something wrong, that all that has happened because of me, I keep feeling attacked and I keep react to make sure that nobody will see what I’m hiding. So I do everything to hide the guilt. By doing so, I make it very real, as well as the error. That’s why the undoing of the error, goes through the undoing of the guilt, and the exposing of those thoughts of guilt, so that I can recognize more and more that they are not true, that it’s just nothing and that I don’t have to fear anything and certainly any punishement because I never did anything wrong. That’s what leads me to see that separation never happened at the first place and therefore that all what I believed has happened after this first moment where the thought of guilt or fear entered the mind, has never happened either. I never left the Mind of God, I am not a body, and they are no six billions of other bodies, nor any world out there. That time and space never came into existence, and that Eternity is still Everything there is, as Is God.
Exactly! We are in God, right Now. Nothing else exists. Nothing else happens.
So, there is no one who is not ready to accept how powerful it is now?
No, there isn’t! Readiness still implies the idea of time, and that something that is not true now will happen in the future, will then be true. But Truth IS True Now. There is only Now!
Let’s keep going in this direction because one of the other things that came to me was time. Seeing that my belief in time was blocking my total acceptance of the Atonement Now. But if there is no future because there is only now, and nothing that is not true now because the Truth is eternal, then it means that even if there is a belief in time, it can’t be a block?
No, it can’t. What You are, You are it, Now. There is no doubt about that. I have no doubt about that, God has no doubt about that. But you do! You don’t fully believe that. You still believe you are in this body, living a life in time and space. So your experience is not one of eternity. It’s an experience of time, with a past, present and future. Where the past seems to be real and causing the future, and the present is only the junction between both to assure the continuity of time. That’s how the ego has made it. But you are not the ego, neither the body. But the ego tells you that you are and you keep listening to it and believing it. And what you believe you see. So as long as you will listen to the ego instead of the Holy Spirit or Me, you’ll see this world with bodies, and you’ll believe what it tells you. When you listen to the Holy Spirit in a consistent way, you start believing what it tells you, even if you don’t see it, because you see its effects. And therefore you believe more and more and you see more and more the reflection of that shift in mind. And it seems to take time, only because you believe you are in time. You cannot understand that, but once you’ll come to the full recognition and acceptance of the Correction of the errors, you’ll that it didn’t take time, for there is no time. Now it seems to be a process only because you are still listening to the ego that tells you that time exists, that you have a past and a future - that you are ruining by listening all those craziness - otherwise how could you be there? But in Truth you are not there. You just sleep and dream you are.
So I cannot believe it is instantaneous as long as I believe in time, because it is like a protection to keep believing I am here, because I’m still valuing other things that are related to time, this world, the body, and I don’t want only the Truth yet. So as I am still afraid of losing something that I believe is real, at some level at least, I use time as an excuse. So I believe it can block me from the acceptance of the Atonement, but again it’s just in my mind. Again I give power to something that has none, as it doesn’t exist, therefore it seems to have some, and I seem to be “stuck” in time.
But who is the one that seems to be stuck in time? Can the Son of God be stuck in time? He can dream He is, but He can never be. He cannot be anywhere else than in His Father’s Mind. For it has never been His Will.
Yes, I am not the one who believes is here, in this world, in time. Who I am cannot be in this world, so cannot be trapped in it either, and even more because this world is an illusion and doesn’t exist at all.
Wow, it’s fabulous! This day is and has been amazingly deep, and go deeper and deeper in all those thoughts that came to me today is awesome! It keeps me going down the rabbit whole! I love it!
I was still reflecting on having told to Erik “you never hurt me, it was only thoughts, never You!” and some memories of the past came up where I could still feel some guilt around what happened and it was great to have the opportunity to look at it and undo all what had been believed about that, for I could see that the memory was kept alive by the guilt that was still felt and forgotten. And this is such a very powerful statement, because it undoes all thoughts of victimization and even that it is possible to be a victim. Again it comes down to the power of the mind. It’s a way of taking back the power that I’ve given away by thinking I could be hurt by something other than my thought, or even that I could hurt, which again comes back to hurt myself. For both are the insurance of the continuity of the guilt. In both cases there is guilt whether it’s in me or I project it outside on the other. And therefore there must be separation.
Yes, you recognize that you are the one at the core of this game, and if you withdraw your investment in guilt, you can also see that nothing happened, that it was just in your mind, where the power is, where Truth is, and that there was never anything outside it. Guilt is what keeps the whole story of separation going on! You hold the others in prison with keeping the guilt, whether projected or in yourself. For as long as you are guilty, you cannot see another innocent. If you are a victim, they have to be seen as a victor or as a savior. By playing a role, you keep them in a role, and so neither of you is free! It’s like you gave them the power to define you, to tell you who you are. There need to be another for you to exist, and therefore you want them to keep being who you think they are so that you can still being who you think you are. Otherwise you’ll feel lost, not knowing who you are anymore if you cannot define yourself the way you know you, and you’ll have to seek again. And here it’s the opportunity to go inward and find, by following the Holy Spirit, instead of keeping seeking outside where you will never find yourself.
Yes, everywhere where there is guilt, then what happened is real, so the past is real, people are real, the world is real therefore I am. For as soon as there is time, I am there too. There are bodies and the world is real. But as soon as the guilt is gone, then there is nothing to hold onto the past as real, so there is no fear of the future anymore, so no concern, and time drops for the eternal Presence of Now…
Yes! And that’s all there is, Now!
Great! One more thing that I’d like to talk about for it is still in my mind. I know everything you’ve said is so great and goes deep. But I feel that has been a recurrent fear that came several times. It’s the fear of falling. I face that when I see someone near an edge (often in movies), where there is high, or at the top of a building or something like that. I feel the fear that they might slip or be pushed and then the body will fall in the air (emptiness) and then crash on the ground and die. So I guess even deeper, it is the fear of death. Which I think in my mind is also associated with the fear of healing because there is a belief that if I wake up, then the body will be gone. That’s I think the biggest fear, the loss of the body! So for sure, in that statement, I make the body real, and that’s surely why I fear losing it. For how can I lose something that never was, and is not?
It’s really the fear of the unknown. “I want to know what’s gonna happen”! Not knowing is intolerable for the ego. Being based on a thought system based on fear, it always needs to be reassured for everything. Being in time, it’s based on the past being real and therefore fearing the future. As soon as you enter time, which is the birth, eternity is not there, and therefore there must be an end to everything if there is a beginning, which is death. So because it starts, it also ends. Time is the home of the body too, which comes into existence with birth and leaves it with death. Everything that is not in eternity comes and goes, so if it comes, it must leave at some point. Also having an end is reassuring. You don’t know when it happens, but you know that it will happen and that it’s how the body will end. Also you have to have goals and projects for the future, for you to be busy and you have to know!
So, not knowing is a terrible affirmation for the ego, it’s its disappearance. For it’s by knowing anything that it defines itself. So you always need to know everything! And it’s because it’s incapable of knowing that it wants to know so much. It knows that there is something that it doesn’t know and that is intolerable for it. So it makes education service and schools, etc… and it values a lot the power of knowing. For not knowing is its dread.
Yes, it’s so funny for I’m experiencing that right now, seeing how there is a part of me that wants to make sense of all that, and reasoning, and trying to understand all what I’m typing and I feel my mind is becoming confused, and I don’t know where it’s going. It’s like it’s erasing as it’s typing. So it’s a wonderful way for me to enter directly into the experience of it and keep surrendering to it. It’s so great!
Yes, it’s wonderful. The more you’ll just drop in the experience, the more it will flow. You don’t have to know anything, know the words, to understand the logic, nothing. Just trust and let it go, let everything go the way it goes, and be surprised. That’s the fear, not knowing… but how many times did you experience just taking one step and living moment by moment, not even keeping your mind on this moment, but just being so attentive to what you were doing that you totally forgot everything, that you forgot time, eating, sleeping, or other things that were not aligned with the purpose you were following at that moment. And that felt very natural. You didn’t have to make any effort to be in that state of mind; it was very easy, flowing and natural, because it is your Nature. You are not in time. Your Nature is not in time. And when you enter fully this Moment, the Now, that’s what happens, everything that is not true, just drops. There is no thought about it. As if it never existed. And you are not afraid in those moments, because it seems so natural. You’re afraid only when you think about it, when you think about having to wake up and what would be the consequences of it. But when you just are… already, living fully this Moment, not resisting to anything, just Being, entering Eternity, there is no fear, because there is nothing to drop, to give up, to let go of. There was never anything, and there is no thought about anything else; there is just This. And This, is everything, Now and forever, without a doubt, for doubt doesn’t exist in this Moment. There is no lack in this Moment, no questioning. There is only Certainty. And everything reflects that. Isn’t it?
Mmmh… yes… Yes, it happens a lot, in many many different situations, and absolutely, nothing is missing. It’s actually when there is a thought that something is missing that suddenly there is a missing feeling. It’s like the thought makes the experience related to the thought!
Yes, exactly. The thought that you are a body makes the experience of being a body, without it there is no experience of the body. When you don’t think of it, how can you say it’s there? If you don’t think about death, how can you say that it exists? If you don’t think about the fear of losing something, do you feel the fear? And that is not happening in the future, it’s happening in the moment you have the thought, even if the thought itself is talking about a fear in the future, the thought is happening now. And to avoid living that fear now, it will talk about the future and what if… and all the potentials regarding that thought. It will talk to go in the future consequences instead of staying here with the fear that arose and living it, being in it and seeing it for what it is, nothing. It will make a whole story of it, to avoid now.
And that’s exactly what happens with the fear of the loss of the body. For to lose it, it would need first that you would be the body or have a body. Which cannot be true for Who You are is not in time. Who You are is eternal and cannot die. Who You are is unlimited and cannot be contained in anything that would limit it.
Wow, awesome! Everything! Thank You sooo much!!!!!