May 7th
Dear Jesus, what an amazing day… I didn’t get to write you today as I felt being totally taken over in what was the plan for me, and just following and it’s been so great! I felt that I was with You, all the time. Like no other thoughts but Love, Truth could enter my mind. I saw some but they had nowhere to stay, no grip on anything, so they just vanished where they were coming from. I feel it’s funny to keep calling you Jesus, for I feel so intimate with You, I would even say that I feel we are One, and the same. The love in me is so strong, that it burns all thoughts that are not of You.
Mmmh… It is exactly that! We are One, we are the Same. There is no separation between You and Me. And your willingness to let nothing, no scrap of falsity telling you otherwise is what is restoring what has never been lost. In the Light of Truth, no darkness can stand! It has nowhere to stay, for no attention is given to what has no value.
You know the seeing of the attachment to the feeling and sharing it and going deeper into it was really great, for it opened up such a trick to keep believing I am a body and that any feeling can be real or determining something that has any reality. It’s like the release of the body was in that seeing. And the episode of the pain was so helpful to see that I cannot be it, I am Pure Spirit Who can know no pain. It’s such a great opportunity to go so much deeper! Other pains have kept showing up today, and it’s the same seeing… they cannot have any effect on Who I am, and have no reality. There is something that is so much deeper and stonger than pain, and there is Peace!
Yes, it’s an effect of an unreal cause, so it cannot be at all! Pain or any other un-associated feeling is just a way to make you believe that you are not what you are, that you are a body weak and vulnerable, and therefore that you can attack yourself. But you cannot attack yourself, and by demonstrating that, you strengthen the message in you that nothing can hurt You, or change You or harm You in any way, that You are Invulnerable. As I said in the Course “Sickness is a defense against the Truth. But I am not a body, and my mind cannot attack. Therefore I cannot be sick.” And you can replace ‘sickness’ by whatever you want that makes you believe or feel trapped into believing that you can be what you are not, that you can separate from Your Father and become fatherless, with no way of return!
I felt that this day was so dedicated to Holiness and undoing of the specialness with Erik even deeper. It’s been so great. We started by an expression session in bed this morning and went deep into what I believe a woman is and what a man is, to come to feel being helpless, totally helpless in that seeing, and feel “but it cannot be true! That cannot be reality, for it would be awful!” and tears came with this helplessness of having believed that for so long, and coming to seeing that it’s not true. It was like when my son died, I felt so helpless before this life, that I thought and felt that life couldn’t be just that! Life cannot be just about being born, living for a while and then dying. And that’s when I felt being so carried through life and it was such a huge point of awakening for me, where nothing made any sense at all, and I was feeling something inside pushing me to make so many changes in my life and opening up more and more… This morning, it felt like that again… opening up fully to realizing that there is no woman, named Armelle, that there are no women at all, as there are no men! And this day was about showing how to join from that perspective and it’s been so deep! Opening up to the Reality that I am Spirit! My joining with Tom this afternoon was such an opening to see everyone the same, loving everyone the same, making no distinction. And by the exposure of what could be in the way, of the thoughts that were creating a very subtle sense of uneasiness, and the willingness to join in the Truth and seeing the Christ in him, the True Joining in Christ could happen, a moment out of time, that sense of eternity that I’m having more and more, where things happen, movements happen, but there is no sense of time. It just seems to be that moment with no beginning and no end. It wasn’t about a man and a woman with a story joining, but about being the Christ and extending it. I was feeling so emotional, on the edge of crying of Gratitude, for no reason. There was such a deep Innocence and Purity. And it was so wonderful. Thank You so much !!!!! Thank You so much to God for creating me Perfect and Whole, a Pure extension of the Light that He is.
I feel you live in me so deeply Jesus. It’s like I spent this day in such a deep worship to you, as if every of my word was a song to you… I am so Grateful!
You are this Love that shines so brightly in my Heart and keeps burning what It’s not.
Wow, as I am writing, I am noticing that I don’t see any differences in my keybord, I mean no depth to the touch, it’s like it’s just one thing, like a flat sheet, as if it was a picture, and that I am typing on it;-)
Yes, don’t worry about that, all your senses are shifting. Don’t pay attention to it. It’s normal!
Yes, it’s just so funny…