Dec 26, 2009

Erik's Music

In April 2009 when I devoted my life to being a traveling minstrel for God, inspiring songs about my spiritual journey began to pour through me. I've made some home recordings of certain songs, and I share them freely with you here.  Under the "Music" section of this blog (you might need to scroll down and look in the side bar), you can download many of the home-recordings that I've done, or that Armelle and I have done together.  

Also, some friends have video taped me playing guitar and singing, and have posted those videos on YouTube. Just click here to go to YouTube and type in 'Erik Archbold' or 'Erik Archbald' (my name is often mispelled).   I've also embedded some of the YouTube videos below that you can watch now if you like.

Many Blessings to you,

This first one is definitely the most popular of my original songs, Peace of Mind, which I wrote back in college.  This recording was taken at the Miracles Concert in Sweden in September 2010, which featured many musicians that were sharing music based on their spiritual path.

Here's one that Armelle wrote that we'd been working on singing together... unfortunately, the video camera ran out of battery before the song was finished, but you'll get the flavor anyway...

This next song is called "Just Relax"...

"Shine Through"...

And last but not least, here's one taken at the Living Miracles Monastery where I played some music during a spiritual retreat that David Hoffmeister was giving in Oct 2009, just prior to meeting Armelle.  This song is called "Rhythm of the Soul"...

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