Sep 29, 2011

Series of concerts: "Walk with the Spirit"

I am sooooo happy to share what has come to us as we are resting along a lake in Hanover, ON...

Last Saturday was our first concert "Walk with the Spirit" at the retreat at Lloyd's in Kirkfield where we shared almost all our songs and our path through them... And today we feel that it was just the beginning.... we feel guided to offer this concert over and over again wherever we are invited to, wherever there is a Call to go deeper in the mind and step into Trust that everything is always given, and every prayer always answered!

Thank You Spirit, God, Life, Everyone....
It is soooo amazing to watch what's given!!!!!

Joy Joy JOy...
So if you are interested or inspired by a "Walk with the Spirit" concert, contact me or Erik... wherever you are, we will be happy to answer the Call...

Lots of love... Armelle

P.S. Enjoy the following short video clip that our friend Jason took of us at our recent concert...