Dec 17, 2011

Love Is!

Love is... 
Love is all there is, all there has ever been... Even what seems to be an experience of lack of love or hatrid or attack, it is still Love "in action", Love seeing this, experiencing this, allowing this to be exactly as it is... 
This is Forgiveness... cutting through all thoughts of judgements of what appears to be and seeing that only Love remains... 
Only Love Is!


The impossibility of Judgement!

wooow, it is impossible to judge anything or anyone, for there was never anyone doing anything,
nor anything that happened wrongly...
It is, has always been only the play of existence! 
Nothing has ever been out of place!!!!! No one has ever been guilty... 
There is nowhere to land... judgement is IMPOSSIBLE!
Eternal Pure and Perfect Innocence Is all there Is!

Celebration of Love and Freedom ;-)
