Mar 3, 2010

What would happen if...

What would happen if fear was just fear? What would happen if anger was just anger? What would happen if sadness was just sadness? What would happen if we stopped telling ourselves stories about all this? And if it was just that ... Just what is present in the moment, then passes. And in this presence delivered its most beautiful message ... If joy was found in tears that flow for I don’t know what reason, and I don’t need to know. If I stopped wanting to know everything, wanting to understand everything. If I were to see that life flows through “me” and I opened myself to the fact that, really, "I" have no control over life. Or even "my" life. For quite simply Life Is. And it follows its own movement by itself. And its lightness comes from the fact that I stop wanting to control it, wanting to believe at any price that I control it. It happens ... "I" seem to be the one living "my” life, but it is in fact life that lives through me ... And it includes Everything, for nothing is separate.

Silence is in noise, not the opposite of noise. Just as joy is in the tears I let flow and not their opposite. And if I simply allowed life to flow through me? And if I allowed everything that appears to be there ... And if I stopped resisting, refusing, repressing, judging, creating stories, making connections, searching ... And I just stopped ... And I set myself there, in what is, knowing that All there is, and that everything is perfect.

No, really, it wouldn’t be better if it were different. For nothing that is could be otherwise, different. All that "I" seem to live is perfect at this time. Because even sorrow, pain and suffering are part of everything. Nothing is separate. In the recognition of the Oneness All is Freedom. No more trying to be someone, following a particular path, creating something ... Life takes care of it, God takes care of it. For He is everywhere, in Everything, in each thing or person that seems separate. Everything is given me ... All the time. It’s also necessary that I want to see it... to stop running, to find that this is here, right here, now.

It is present in this peace and silence, in the sound of wind in the leaves of trees or the tools of workmen building the house next door, in the immensity of this mountain facing me, present in the wonder at the numbers and colors of birds and butterflies that dance in the garden, present in the powerful flight of hawks circling in the air, present beyond the words I can say, present whatever "I" seem to do, because it's there, simply ...

And we all know, we recognize that presence. Perhaps we chose to forget once, whatever. And we all will return, without exception. And we’ll all hear the voice of recognition and the simplicity of being. It brings us back us to the truth. It is here, all the time, and intensifies in inner silence. It’s enough to take time, to stop for a moment. Stop everything ... It’s here ...

There is nothing to fear ... In the fear of descending into my inner depths, lies my freedom. So I say "yes" to this fear, because when I really look at it, what I see is just fear ... nothing else. No story, no connections, nothing ... just fear. And in disconnecting all that I thought it was up until then, I cease to be afraid of fear and I let it be what it is. Perhaps there’s no problem that the life flowing through me is, in that moment, expressed in fear ... And I realize, fully, there was really nothing to fear ...

I am not these thoughts, these beliefs, all these movements that are expressed through me. And in those depths, I realize that I am not what I thought I was. I'm not a separate person, a victim of the world around me, and guilty of acting in a certain way. "I" am part of Everything, which expresses itself through the body with which "I" identify.

There are just passing thoughts ...

And Love Is ... God Is ... Life Is ... whatever name we want to give it, is our reality ...

With gentleness and simplicity ... Oneness in our Being, "I" disappear; Purity remains...

With Love


Translation made by Andy..