Feb 3, 2010

31 January

It is time for you to remember the wonderful and immortal being that You Are. This is no time for littleness, no time for victimization. Of what would you be the victim, if nothing that you think of as your world exists? It is impossible. You can only be the victim of your imagination, that part of your mind that wants at all costs that the illusion be real. Don’t get me wrong. For nothing, no nothing, of what you seem to experience in what appears to be your daily life is real. Everything is symbolic. Everything is used with the sole purpose of letting you remember... of Whom You Are. Everything you see on the outside exists only in your mind. It is the projection of what is on the inside. You are entirely responsible for this world that you create from moment to moment, for the experiences that you seem to live, for the perceptions that you have. And the key is to also become aware, above and beyond your responsibility for the outside world, that you, as a person, are not.
You seem to be having all these experiences because you want, at any price, to identify yourself with your body. It is not what You Are in Truth. Non-identification with the doer, the dream figure, by the dreamer is an important part of recognizing your True Nature. The only helpful way to look at is to be aware that this “person” is of no consideration except to bring you back to the Kingdom of Heaven. I do not mean a specific place, but a state of being that is your True Nature. You have never left this state. Time has never existed. It is only useful as an instrument of healing. Space has never existed either. So there is no such place as the Kingdom of Heaven. Everything is inside you. You are the holders of the world, as you are the Holders of Truth.
And now, your Power, your Light needs to be revealed, needs to shine. It has never been extinguished, however you’ve used it. It is always just as strong and brilliant; and goes beyond anything you can imagine seeing in your world.
Your salvation lies in each one of you. I tell you and you will repeat it; recognize Your Brother for Who He Is, and you recognize Who You Are. It is in the way you look at him, in the teacher with whom you want to see him, that your salvation resides. There is only one Truth. He is Innocent. He is the Son of God, the perfect reflection of You, the perfect reflection of Me, of His Father who created him in His image. It cannot be otherwise. Offer salvation to Your brother and thus you will really know yourself. Offer him judgment and you will continue to get lost in the illusion of existence.
There is only one relationship... the Holy Relationship, the relationship with the Father And your relationship with your Brother is always a reflection of that relationship. Everything that is not of this order simply is nothing. All that is sent to you is to remind you still and again to return to that One and Unique relationship, that with your Father. It has, as its Sole Purpose, to enable you to make the choice of this relationship, the holy relationship, see your Brother innocent and so choose your Innocence.
A giant classroom, that's what your world is. A field experiment. Nothing that happens can ever have any consequence in Reality. And everything that seems to be experienced there allows you to get closer to the Truth. Whatever you seem to do, you are and have always been perfect, because your Father Is and He created you in His Image; it cannot be otherwise. There are no stumbles, no error, no sin; He does not know them. He knows only Love and Perfection, because that is what He Is; and therefore, what You Are as well. Love Each Other, my dear Brothers, love as He loves You... He is waiting for You ... Have no fear, fear does not exist... Look at it with me, and it will disappear, because I do not know it!
I love you.

Translated by our Brother Andy... thank you so much...

Lots of Love to Every One