Being at the Monastery and at the Lighthouse since one week now, I want to share and extend my experience in deepening the trust in my Mighty Companions and opening up fully to share all those crazy thoughts that are going on in what seems to be "my" mind, but is really THE mind thinking it is split.
It tells me so many awful things about who I think myself to be, or others and try to keep me from joining in the Truth. But since the beginning of this path, I've been so deeply drawn to share those private thoughts, or what seems to be. For once shared, what is seen, is that I am not the only one to feel or think that way;-))) Yes, it's THE mind, not "my" mind!
So since arrived here, I've been sharing so many deep dark dark thoughts and found such a release in that transparency... No need to play any role, to try to live up to seeming expectations from "others", trying to make up so that no one will see what I'm trying to hide, nothing to prove nor improve.... Being naked in the face of everyone, sharing that One Purpose, is so deeply releasing and revealing.
From there, Truth is naturally revealing itself in such an effortless way! Nothing to do, no one to do it! A sense of Wholeness is coming naturally and effortlessly, I don't have to make anything happen nor repeat mantra to know that I am Whole; It's just the experience offered in that released from all what I am not and opening up to the Innocence in everything.
Feeling so unconditionally loved an accepted by those around sharing that same Purpose is so healing! I don't have to be any specific way to be loved. Just being who I am!
I am not those thoughts, you are not them either. I don't have to protect myself against anything, nor defend... it is not the Truth!!! In that seeing, experiencing... I am Free! And so are You;-)
With sooooo much Love
Whoever feels to join with me in that Purpose of sharing and exposing the ego, is really welcome to call me on skype. My username is 'armellesix'