Since their "Holy Spirit arranged" marriage in Oct 2009, Armelle and Erik Archbold have committed their lives to the daily practice of unconditional forgiveness and trust, as Jesus taught us 2000 years ago and in A Course in Miracles today. Trusting solely in Divine Providence to provide the means, they travel wherever they are invited and Called (though now separately - see latest post :) for the Purpose of Awakening to God's Love.
Jan 2, 2011
Upcoming Gatherings
No new gatherings are scheduled for now. We'll post them here as well as on Facebook when we next have something scheduled.
I think that anyone thinking about this gathering should definitely attend, because Erik and Armelle are among the very few who actually practice holy relationship in their own lives. They are completely open and highly insightful about their positive and negative experiences, and I continue to learn from their videos about relationships. Andy
I think that anyone thinking about this gathering should definitely attend, because Erik and Armelle are among the very few who actually practice holy relationship in their own lives. They are completely open and highly insightful about their positive and negative experiences, and I continue to learn from their videos about relationships. Andy