Feb 17, 2010

Gentle guidance on discarding masks, Sunday February 7

On Paltak this evening, I realized as the Holy Spirit guides me through what he intends me to read on Paltalk or elsewhere, in the even deeper undoing of certain beliefs, that certain masks are still present that require mental alertness. Like tonight for example, by adding the section on "true empathy. I realized how much my mask of being the one who knows or the one who always had something to say or a “saving” direction to give to people around me had earned me a special place, such that I kept others somewhat dependent on me, I was so afraid of being abandoned.
Today, I can see through what I experienced with my friends and family, that this fear is gone, I no longer feel this attachment; I feel that everything is right, whatever happens, and the only thing that matters is to follow guidance, to follow my heart, which brings me back gently to Who I really Am. And to see the Truth in my Brothers, and that the correction is not mine, that they are all so perfect and innocent because they are Sons of God. It is a giant step for me to have let that go. Since it started last weekend, following guidance to not compromise and to lead Paltalk on the weekends, nothing has been more important than the Holy Spirit. I have been feeling so much joy!

Translated from French by Andy

Sooooooooooo much love

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