This morning I felt some fear coming up, and immediately, I got the image of the vision I had last week, when Erik was bringing me to the airport.
We were on a big avenue with houses or apartments on each side. We were stopped at the red light, and a guy was crossing the street. In that moment, it was like if the image was fixed, as if everything had stopped. And then I got a vision-intuition (hard to describe with words), as a huge, giant universal consciousness field, where are all the thoughts. And depending on where we are, what we do, we grasp some thoughts from this field.
But there were no people, there is just like robots which are functioning, and when they grasp on a thought, they believe that it's theirs, and so they start to live, to go, to react to it. And actually it's the fact of having thoughts, to which they are identifying that make them exist. (and the vision stopped there. And I felt how much the HS was using that vision to teach me the Truth about who I am.
And as I was writing just that, my fingers started to type so fast on the keyboard, and here is what came from that...)
For without that, (without the fact that the robots identify with those thoughts that come from the field) there would just be NOTHING, emptiness, a universal field of consciousness, made of thoughts, without anything to receive it, and so without any purpose to that. And so, as there wouldn't be anybody to receive it, or even to know that there is this field, the field would have no existence at all.
Because it's like the story of the tree that falls in the forest; if there is nobody to hear it, it doesn't make any noise! And here, if there is nobody to take the thoughts, if there is just nothing, then the existence of the field in itself has to be questioned, for may be, it simply doesn't exist...
And all that is actually a wonderful metaphor of the ego and about how by identifying ourselves with those thoughts, we believe we are human.. and that that's how things are...
And actually, really, nothing exists. And there would be no story, no time, no space if we didn't choose to grasp those passing thoughts, and also make it a story... to go on proving again and again that we are existing. But it's not true! These are just thoughts that give us the illusion of existing! There is no existence at all... waw it's huge, and my fingers go on to type on the keyboard to let all that coming up... huge!!
So I just had that vision, as I was looking at the fear, having already said to myself that this fear is not who I am. And this has come to reinforce the fact that truly, I am not this fear, and that I am not that story and so that this fear can be, it can't touch me, nor move me. It's there, and that's all!
And even more, I don't know really what fear is. I believe I know because I am telling myself a story about that, that I have been told, and then that I told to myself, by associating other stories that were showing me again and again what it is. They were stories who were justifying what I believed about fear. But may be I am wrong. May be that fear is not that... and what would it be if it wasn't that?
I could then see fear as fear. A word, without story! For fear, with all the stories I think believing about it, finally what is it? A means to tell me again and again that I am right to believe in all that, and that I exist. For if there weren't all those stories about fear, then I could see just fear. And it would just be a thought, that passes, and there would just be a robot. And so « I » wouldn't exist. So why do I still want to tell myself all those stories about fear? Just to go on believing to all those stories, because it has been years and years that I have been believing to all those stories. And it's them, and them alone, nourished by the thoughts coming from the universal field of consciousness, that make that there is a « I » that exists.
So I say thank you to the fear. Thanks to you, I can see all that! And it's really huge. I say thank you, for today, I can see you for what you also truly are, just fear.
With so much love
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