We just watched the movie "the Shift" from Wayne Dyer, it the thrid time in four months for me, and every time it brings me back to that same place... IT'S SO SIMPLE... In the same time, it sows other gifts on my way, which are allowing me to go deeper yet. And that Truth come from my heart, my Being.
And from that seeing, what comes to me is that all is so simple!
The Course in an help, to go along on my path, not another opportunity to create a special relationship, even thought it is not wrong, for nothing is wrong, anyway! But it is a pointer to the Truth within...
I don't have to make it a new religion, using his metaphysics terms to speak to everybody, his words to teach to everybody. The Course is for me... for my practice! It's there to show me the way. Once I understood the meaning of his message, I practice it, for me, because it's for me, not for anyone else! I can leave on the side those special terms, the book even. I become the Course, I live the Course, I am the Course, in a sens.
I don't have to tell to everybody that the world doesn't exist, as well as the body is, etc... Just knowing it, for myself. Because that, as well as true forgiveness is what is helping us to remember our true nature, for a while. It helps us to have some detachement, regarding everything. And not being attached anymore to any specifics, I'm not suffering anymore. I'm not taking anything personnally, knowing I am not this body, this person, knowing who I trully am...
I don't have to shout that to everybody, it could create more separation, if I use those words, ideas to show how different I am, how special, spiritual, evolved, superior, better....
To teach is to demonstrate. So I don't have to go to anybody and talk to them about all that to make them evoluate, change, to teach them something, for the world to change...just to change my mind about all that and follow my guidance, the Spirit in me, my heart to talk to the ones that are sent to me, knowing they have been sent for that. I don't have anything to do by myself, coming from my will.
Being, looking, living from that postion of detachement, it's being in the I am, in the Holy Spirit, in the love, bathed in our true Being. And from there, I extend, extend what I am, what we all are... this Awareness. I see who are my Brothers, their Innocence, Perfection. For wherever is coming from what they say, what they do, ego or Spirit, what is important is from where I want to look at, live, love. This is always my practice, my lesson.
If I take the Course fully, I practice it in everything, every moment, and then from that position of the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, I look at the world with love and trust, knowing that everything is always perfect, that I am not guilty of anything (for there is no guilt), has never done anything wrong (it was just a thought!) and that He is taking care of everything, Life is taking care of itself, I have nothing to do, just not interfere, just giving all the desire I may still have and follow Him, go with the flow of Life. Everything happens at the perfect moment. Anyway, I am never the one in charge, it was just an illusion!
I was also seeing that when we grow, we loose our carelessness, and we start to fear consequences, as if I've done something wrong and that I am expecting in every moment to be punished. The child is in the moment, in what he is living, doing. He doesn't think about the futur, what it may look like, what might happen, will there be consequences or not...
I was thinking about that for in the movie, a mother is offered a lollypop by someone. And at first she is surprised and say no, but then suddenly, something happens and she says YES! And I felt it was like saying YES to the child, YES to the innocence, YES to now, YES.............. just YES............ without thought, guilt, fear of anything, just YES!! And I was seeing with that how much we are always thinking about later, and not that much spontaneous... This is what becoming a child again means... Children just enjoy the moment, are in the moment, whatever it is... pain, joy, anger, tears, playfulness... they just live it!
Aren't we the beloved child of God?
With Love
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