I see pictures everywhere... I see Beauty everywhere...
I don't know anything, and that's such a great place to Be...
Something is living me, and I don't know what it is, but I know that It Is...
What is a picture?
Is Beauty in what I see? What is Beauty? Can it be beyond what those eyes see?
Where is it located? Can it be what is there in front of me? Does it have a special shape or name? Is there really a word to define it?
Or can it be without any shape, nor name? Can it be seen, or is it invisible to the body's eyes? Where is it? Does it have a location?
What are those pictures about?
What if it wasn't what it seems to be?
What if it wasn't about all those names given to all those things? What if there was an other meaning that the one we are used to?
What if the real picture, is the one that you feel in your Heart, beyond the image your eyes see?
What if our whole Life was about that... about feeling, "seeing", what is beyond...in what is right in front of us?
How can we know that it's not? Can we be certain?
What is photography about? Can it be just about images of places or people?
What if every picture is about a journey inward, in the core of your Being?
What if it was just a reflection of the deepest part of you... a reflection of what has no name, no shape, no word...?
When I take my camera and point somewhere, there is space... everywhere. It seems to be about something specific, but actually, it is everywhere. "I" disappear, not knowing how, nor when, and only remains what you can see here, what is seen through the lens of that "Infinite Love", or rather that nameless Presence. It seems to be about people or landscape, but it is far beyond that, and it is in that. It's about what has no beginning and no end, what cannot start, neither finish. It takes me totally and leads me nowhere, but still I never come back at the same place. It's a journey inward, and it's first of all mine... forgetting everything, even that I could be the one doing all that, and being taken over by what Is. It's a Moment, out of time, where only That remains... that Living Emptiness... Only That...
I'm trying to find words to describe it, but there is none... I can only be it, but not talk about it... There is a deep deep deep feeling present, on which that either there is no word to put on... for I don't know, and in the same time, I do...
It is everything, and everywhere, and it is nothing and nowhere, It just Is.
This is what all this is about... discovering that... remembering that... that deep and fabulous Mystery that we are...
That Emptiness is living me through, leaving me more full than ever... what is there yet? What is there more? What if it was All there Is?
What is the real meaning of all this?
Can it just be a photography?
... Come and enter the Mystery, your inward Mystery...
Erik: I felt inspired to just add a link below to Armelle's photography website, on which she originally posted what you just read.
Her photography is something that I find deeply touching, for she has a profound gift for seeing life in a way that beautifully symbolizes Heaven. Much like listening to inspirational music, reading poetry, or practicing inner-dance, I've found gazing at her still photos to be yet another way for me to connect with God.
Here is a link to her photography website where you can experience her photography for yourself. Enjoy...
Since their "Holy Spirit arranged" marriage in Oct 2009, Armelle and Erik Archbold have committed their lives to the daily practice of unconditional forgiveness and trust, as Jesus taught us 2000 years ago and in A Course in Miracles today. Trusting solely in Divine Providence to provide the means, they travel wherever they are invited and Called (though now separately - see latest post :) for the Purpose of Awakening to God's Love.
Jan 28, 2011
Jan 26, 2011
Going on Holy Spirit autopilot
There's such a wonderful shift happening in me and I feel so blessed! A sense of total Peace which truly does "passeth all understanding"...
I'm in Canada right now with Armelle, staying at our friend Sandy Deby's house in Cowichan Bay on Vancouver Island, and I'm deeply at peace right now. It's just amazing to see how this "fairy-tale-like dream" of mine continues unfolding so effortlessly and joyfully, always reminding me that I'm TOTALLY taken care of!
We had our first "Practicing Holy Relationship" gathering last night here at Sandy's house and it was such a beautiful example of how everything can unfold without effort when we "step back and let Spirit lead the way". There were about 10 or so people at the gathering, and it felt like such a deep experience of joining in the Truth.
Armelle and I shared from our hearts many of our experiences these past 15 months (yesterday was our 15 month anniversary!) including how we were Guided to get married, many of the lessons we've had to learn since then, and the way we are using this relationship for healing. I also shared a couple of the songs that came through me last year after being guided to let go of my hypnotherapy career in order to devote my life to music and God. It was very powerful for me to watch how everything seemed to just flow through both of us so easily, and how everyone seemed so genuinely moved, touched, and inspired by all that we shared.
Before the gathering, I had been feeling some nervousness about whether I would do a "good job" of letting myself be used by the Spirit without getting in my own way. I've been getting better at noticing when I am sometimes speaking out of a hidden fear of "awkward silences", and learning to surrender to the Silence and simply let it be instead of trying to cover it over. And during the gathering, there were definitely lots of silent moments to practice with! During those silences, it's like my ego starts to project it's fear onto others and convince me that they are feeling uncomfortable with the silence. But really, I'm learning, since it's all my dream, it's just another opportunity for me to realize that there isn't anyone else "out there"; they are all simply mirroring my own unfounded fear, and giving me the opportunity to surrender into trust once again.
So the whole experience was definitely another wonderful step in deepening my trust in the Spirit, which I'm realizing is what EVERY moment is for now! It was another step in undoing the belief that gatherings are a "special circumstance" that I have to plan for or organize or facilitate. I'm learning to trust that I truly need not plan or organize ANYTHING... and that when I'm supposed to speak or do something, it will simply happen THROUGH me automatically and with a feeling of Inspiration rather than obligation. EVERYTHING, including even the words to speak and the actions to take, are just Given...
It's like being on Holy Spirit autopilot! I even noticed that, during the gathering as I was surrendering deeper and deeper, that my head was automatically being turned FOR me! As people were sharing or asking questions, I was noticing my head starting to turn automatically towards whomever was speaking without any sense of being the one doing it. This experience was allowing me to totally let go of the belief that "I need to be polite by looking at whoever is speaking" and just trust that the Spirit would turn my head and keep my eyes open for me if that was would be most Helpful. I'm also finding that I don't even have to concentrate on or understand the words that are being spoken. I can just let my mind totally relax and listen to the Silence beyond what is being said, and if a response is appropriate, the words will just automatically come out of my mouth. It can all happen without any idea of what I'm going to say in advance, and it's such a sense of ease and relaxation!
This state seems to be becoming much more consistent now, transferring to all the various types of "situations" that seem to arise. As I allow my mind to relax into the Emptiness more and more of the time, unlearning everything from the past, there's a trust arising which tells me that I never need to have a clue about anything ever again! I can just watch my life as if it were a movie, with no sense of attachment or investment, knowing that in reality, it doesn't mean anything.
There is less and less concern about money, about the future, about how this whole adventure called "Erik and Armelle's life" will unfold... there's just Peace. I know it's all been scripted by the part of my mind that Loves me unconditionally and has the sole intention of waking me up to Reality in the most loving, gentle, beautiful, and joyous way possible!
In Gratitude that is continuously expanding...
I'm in Canada right now with Armelle, staying at our friend Sandy Deby's house in Cowichan Bay on Vancouver Island, and I'm deeply at peace right now. It's just amazing to see how this "fairy-tale-like dream" of mine continues unfolding so effortlessly and joyfully, always reminding me that I'm TOTALLY taken care of!
We had our first "Practicing Holy Relationship" gathering last night here at Sandy's house and it was such a beautiful example of how everything can unfold without effort when we "step back and let Spirit lead the way". There were about 10 or so people at the gathering, and it felt like such a deep experience of joining in the Truth.
Armelle and I shared from our hearts many of our experiences these past 15 months (yesterday was our 15 month anniversary!) including how we were Guided to get married, many of the lessons we've had to learn since then, and the way we are using this relationship for healing. I also shared a couple of the songs that came through me last year after being guided to let go of my hypnotherapy career in order to devote my life to music and God. It was very powerful for me to watch how everything seemed to just flow through both of us so easily, and how everyone seemed so genuinely moved, touched, and inspired by all that we shared.
Before the gathering, I had been feeling some nervousness about whether I would do a "good job" of letting myself be used by the Spirit without getting in my own way. I've been getting better at noticing when I am sometimes speaking out of a hidden fear of "awkward silences", and learning to surrender to the Silence and simply let it be instead of trying to cover it over. And during the gathering, there were definitely lots of silent moments to practice with! During those silences, it's like my ego starts to project it's fear onto others and convince me that they are feeling uncomfortable with the silence. But really, I'm learning, since it's all my dream, it's just another opportunity for me to realize that there isn't anyone else "out there"; they are all simply mirroring my own unfounded fear, and giving me the opportunity to surrender into trust once again.
So the whole experience was definitely another wonderful step in deepening my trust in the Spirit, which I'm realizing is what EVERY moment is for now! It was another step in undoing the belief that gatherings are a "special circumstance" that I have to plan for or organize or facilitate. I'm learning to trust that I truly need not plan or organize ANYTHING... and that when I'm supposed to speak or do something, it will simply happen THROUGH me automatically and with a feeling of Inspiration rather than obligation. EVERYTHING, including even the words to speak and the actions to take, are just Given...
It's like being on Holy Spirit autopilot! I even noticed that, during the gathering as I was surrendering deeper and deeper, that my head was automatically being turned FOR me! As people were sharing or asking questions, I was noticing my head starting to turn automatically towards whomever was speaking without any sense of being the one doing it. This experience was allowing me to totally let go of the belief that "I need to be polite by looking at whoever is speaking" and just trust that the Spirit would turn my head and keep my eyes open for me if that was would be most Helpful. I'm also finding that I don't even have to concentrate on or understand the words that are being spoken. I can just let my mind totally relax and listen to the Silence beyond what is being said, and if a response is appropriate, the words will just automatically come out of my mouth. It can all happen without any idea of what I'm going to say in advance, and it's such a sense of ease and relaxation!
This state seems to be becoming much more consistent now, transferring to all the various types of "situations" that seem to arise. As I allow my mind to relax into the Emptiness more and more of the time, unlearning everything from the past, there's a trust arising which tells me that I never need to have a clue about anything ever again! I can just watch my life as if it were a movie, with no sense of attachment or investment, knowing that in reality, it doesn't mean anything.
There is less and less concern about money, about the future, about how this whole adventure called "Erik and Armelle's life" will unfold... there's just Peace. I know it's all been scripted by the part of my mind that Loves me unconditionally and has the sole intention of waking me up to Reality in the most loving, gentle, beautiful, and joyous way possible!
In Gratitude that is continuously expanding...
Jan 21, 2011
Holy Spirit pouring through Armelle
Recently, Armelle did a Paltalk session for ACIM Gather which touched me very deeply. In fact, while she was doing it and I was sitting across from her in our meditation room, it felt to me like the Holy Spirit was pouring through so strongly that there simply was no "Armelle" anymore... just pure Joy coming through. Very powerful...
If you wish to download the mp3 of this session to your computer to listen to it, just click on this the link to it:
If you wish to download the mp3 of this session to your computer to listen to it, just click on this the link to it:
Jan 14, 2011
More About Inner Dance
Recently, Armelle has been feeling a strong Call to start offering Inner Dance sessions more regularly, both in person as well as over Skype. Therefore we felt prompted to write an inspiring description for people about what Inner Dance is, the purpose of it, and what is specifically being offered. Here it is...
What is Inner Dance? Inner Dance is a deep and slow “movement meditation” in which we allow ourselves to be “danced through” by the Spirit within. It is about surrendering deeply to the Present Moment, letting go of self-judgment, and giving ourselves permission to just relax completely. With music as a gentle backdrop, we sink deeper into our physical/emotional experience and allow the body to move (or not move) in whatever way it naturally and effortlessly wants to. Various feelings or emotions may arise during the dance, and we try to allow them to arise fully and without judgment so that they may “wash through“ us. As we move deeper inward through this Inner Dance practice and release the layers of self-judgment, our experience becomes more and more that of being the Still Observer within. From that peaceful perspective, we find ourself simply watching the body movements happening without any sense of being the one making the movements happen. In other words, we undo the sense of being the “doer”, and thus learn that we are not the dancer, but the Awareness in which the dance is experienced.
What is required to practice Inner Dance? Nothing is required to practice Inner Dance except a genuine curiosity for discovering Who You Are in truth, and a willingness to open up to an experience of total non-judgment. It is about releasing everything you thought you knew about dance, and learning to surrender into your True Nature. The practice of Inner Dance can guide us through the layers of our false self into a deep inner Silence, which we are invited to explore and accept as Home.
What is an Inner Dance session like? Generally, we start the Inner Dance session with a short prayer or a guided meditation to help come in touch with our “inner body” and any feelings there. We then turn on some music, which is usually of a soft, instrumental type such as New Age or Classical music. Sinking into the music, we merely surrender and allow movement (or non-movement) to arise in whatever way feels effortless and helpful. The sessions generally last 45 minutes to an hour, followed by a brief period of deep silence and meditation in order cherish and nurture the state of Stillness that was discovered during the dance. We then end the session with an “expression session“ (group sharing circle) in which everyone is invited to express anything they feel moved to express.
How can I participate in an Inner Dance session? I offer several different ways for you to participate in or experience an Inner Dance session for yourself:
- One-on-One Inner Dance session, where the Inner Dance can be used to come in touch with any feelings that may want to arise so that they may be released. Through our shared Purpose of healing, any and all feelings or emotions are deeply welcomed into awareness, so that they can be looked at with Love and transformed into Light.
- Two Hour Inner Dance Gathering - You may host an evening gathering at your home or elsewhere, as a way of discovering Inner Dance for yourself and introducing it to others. The gathering would begin with an informal talk, and end with a group “expression session” to encourage the sharing of any thoughts or feelings that arose during the dance.
- Inner Dance Group - If you are several persons who are interested in organizing a regular (i.e. weekly) Inner Dance group in a set location, simply contact me and we can explore that possibility together as well.
- Inner Dance retreat lasting anywhere from a weekend to several days - These retreats have as their purpose a deep communion with our Essence through the dance and through a willingness to honor the Silence within. The combination of dance and Silence allows whatever inner blocks or repressed emotions to arise and be released. In the retreat, we are lovingly encouraged to recognize that difficult emotions cannot be escaped; they can only be faced directly and allowed to dissolve in the light of our awareness. No effort is required other than a willingness to experience our emotions and let them wash through our consciousness. Throughout the retreat, several talks and “expression sessions” will be also be held to encourage and accelerate the healing process.
- Skype Inner Dance Joining - Wherever you happen to be in the world, we can transcend all time/space differences and have an Inner Dance session via Skype! This is possible both for one-on-one as well as group sessions. Just call or email me if you are interested and we can set up a time to talk about the details. My Skype user name is: armellesix.
I love you!
Jan 2, 2011
Upcoming Gatherings
No new gatherings are scheduled for now. We'll post them here as well as on Facebook when we next have something scheduled.
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