Apr 24, 2011

The Resurrection is underway!

Today, it feels like the world is being undone in my mind at a faster and faster pace.  Armelle and I have been invited by our dear friend and mentor, David Hoffmeister, to begin a journey that feels like a major next step in our Awakening.  We will fly to Cincinnati in a few weeks to join with David there briefly, then borrow his car to drive across the country towards Utah.  Along the way, we will share some gatherings wherever invited, as well as play music at a gathering David's doing in Kansas City along the way.  In Utah, we'll spend the summer at a house near the Living Miracles Monastery with some dear friends of ours, Sarah and Thomas, who are also deeply devoted to using their marriage as a means of Awakening to Truth.  Being so close to the Monastery, we will be surrounded by symbols of devotion and other "mighty companions" which will support the mind-training and ascent towards consistent Joy!

For now, we’re still here at my parents house in Petaluma, CA, and these past six months here have been so healing and helpful for us in our journey.  Being around my family has certainly flushed up so many of the “family issues” that have bound us to the ego's thought system, and Armelle and I have been “mighty companions” to each other in the undoing of specialness and “people pleasing”.  It feels like my relationship to my biological family has become more authentic and honest.  The old self-concept of Erik as "the son, brother, nephew, cousin, etc.." has been getting slowly washed away by the Spirit Who has offered me a Loving alternative in every seeming situation in which I was tempted to play an old family-related "role" out of guilt.   I’ve learned to peacefully say “no” to invitations to various family functions and parties that I was traditionally expected to attend (such as the Easter celebration at my aunt’s house today that we simply didn't feel Guided to go to), and to trust that even if it appears that certain people are disappointed on the surface, deep down there is a REJOICING in each mind when I refuse to compromise on what my Heart is telling me. (NOTE: The day after I wrote this blog post, I found a newly uploaded video of David discussing this very topic - saying "no" lovingly, especially in relationship to biological family invitations!  I've included it below for those who are interested...:-)

The move to live near the Monastery with Sarah and Thomas feels like a huge step in our spiritual Awakening. It is one step closer towards living in spiritual community, which feels symbolic of entering the Kingdom of Heaven and being fully surrounded by symbols of devotion 100% of the time.  I cannot express how good that feels!  Even though it sometimes feels a bit scary at the same time, knowing that my ego will no longer have any wiggle room, there is a over-riding sense of profound Peace.  It is a sense of Freedom and Joyfulness, and all I can do is trust that when this undoing is complete in my mind, there will be nothing but a Happy recognition that we’ve all been released together and that to give up this world was literally to give up NOTHING!

So on this Easter Day, I wish you, my brother or sister, a Joyful and gentle Awakening… a happy Resurrection of our Unified Mind to the Awareness of Christ in God!

Blessings of Love forever,

P.S.  Here is the video from David about learning to let the Holy Spirit lovingly say "no" through you:

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