May 4, 2011

There is no death!

Today, I had a deep meditation, that lasted for a while. At the end of it, I heard the voice of the one who was once my son, Gauthier. Since his death, I often had contacts with him, and he has been used as a very usefull symbol to waking me up to Reality, to enlarge my vision of what I thought was true. Today, once again, it surprised me, and it was so wonderful!

I heard him telling me :

"We've never been separate. For we never left the Mind of God! We even never have been in the flesh! We were never born."

It was coming from so deep, and so much Love and Joy came with it... it was so wonderful! I keep being amazed by the way he has been and is still used in my life to bring me always deeper in the recognition of Who I am. Several weeks ago, he already told me, that he is in my mind, where he was already when he seemed to live with me.
He was such a reflection of Purity, Innocence, Joy, Laughter and Life. When the body left, I was faced with my own inner death, and felt pushed by a Force to seek for Life, feeling that life could not be just that, there had to be something more, else.
His death or the disparition of the body, showed me what is real Life, I would even say "gave Me Life" in a way. It showed me that Communication doesn't stop, is not broken  because the body is not there (as said in Acim ch15.XI), that it is beyond the body, and opened me to the fact that we are not separate. .

He lives in Me, as I in Him, as We All are in God.

I feel so much Gratitude, so much Love, so Alive.... bubbles of Joy, and laughter...
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You


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