Dec 15, 2011

Pull to express... lifting of the veil...

wow, there is such a strong pull to express, extend, share what's unfolding here.... it's sooo amazing!!!! it's deeper and deeper and the veil of illusion is lifted over and over again... in the profound humility of not knowing anything and feeling this absolute, divine "stupidity" (I love that!!! ) everything keeps revealing itself, words come, insights... doors that were thought closed are seen open, fears leave as snow melts in the warmth... and Love, Love... wow what an incredible Love.... it is...

I called my parents, felt extending. and shared all that's unfolding here... joy, happiness for no reason, deep peace, trust that life totally takes care of 'me', how deeply I know they've always been loving me and that there was never anything but that, all what I could have told them was just coming from my interpretation, a story I was telling myself, never true, never happened... and it was amazing!!!! My father was such a pure reflection of my mind.... he was laughing as listening to me, and then he said " you are not the one we knew, what a change!!!! it's great, I'm sooo happy...." it was amazing! Same with my mother, we talked about intuition and no separation, that the Spirit is always alive even if there is death of the body!!!! oh God... wooooooow

Armelle thought she needed to be intelligent, say or share intelligent things, writing a certain way, making sure everything is true, acurate, perfectly non-dual or Course, saying the "right thing", wow what a joke!!!!!!!!! Then it's seen that there was still a subtle desire to get approval, being recognized, looking for recognition outside, to 'be a teacher', and therefore afraid... wouuu the mask is seen, separation caught... pfff vanished!!! And then, it is seen that words are just words, none is the Truth, they are pointers, only pointers (like don't take the finger for the moon!) and pwow ... Freedom again... deeper... gates are open, the flood is coming... 

it is sooo amazing!!!!!
It doesn't stop... and it seems that the silent time is shifting into expression!!!!! 

Love You!!!!

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