Dec 11, 2011

Say YES to your Self! Using the Holiday season to undo people-pleasing.

I've been miraculously invited to talk on Paltalk last Saturday! I love how things happen! It's so great to see that Life has plan that will unfold with or without 'my' consent! This is Joy! Freedom!

Enjoy the talk...
And remember that everything, everyone at a deeper level, always collaborates for revealing what's blocking the awareness of the Truth, the Love that we are...

Have the courage to break the pattern! Listen to your Heart, to the Spirit! And allow whatever arises from that to be... exactly as it it, meet whatever has been repressed or covered by acting a certain way... And in the meeting of those feelings, discover what is always Here!

Say YES to your Self. Using the Holiday season to undo people-pleasing, paltalk.

Lots of love

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