Feb 9, 2010

Declaration of Peace with my Brothers and Sisters from all Eternity

Today, I declare the Peace with you all. There is no reason anymore to maintain in any way, the smallest fear or hostility. I cannot lose anything, and noting can't be taken from me, neither from you. There is no reason to still maintain any rivality, except perpetuing a system, that from any time hasn't brought us anything, except keeping us separated.

Let's shine all our Grandeur, our inheritance from our Father.

I don't want to do anything to seek for existing again.I stop to give the power to this ego to keep us separated, because it is so afraid of Oneness. I even let go every desire to react, for it would give it reality.

During so many year, I had been afraid of you all, I needed so much to exist. I was going through the fear of shining and take to much place to launching me to do it, and almost walk on others. It's like with the unworthiness feeling and the grandiosity, one hidding the other, and alterning again and again, for that dear ego likes so much to play... Its his way to keep us emprisoned!

I was so afraid of lacking... With you by my side, I had the impression I couldn't have enough room to breath. So one or the other had to leave, or diminish himself for the other to exist again!

Now, I am learning to love. I see the fruits of the Unity. I give that old fear to my Father, for it is not Reality, and I ask Him to show me how we live a pacified « world ».

For this is all what I want, Pure Love and Oneness. So many gifts are beyond those ego faces, and I don't want to let it decide or direct anymore. I choose for it be on the side, to stop listen to it, for, it knows how to trick me. But here is one more time where you are seen for what you are...

I want only the Truth..........................

I release you my so dear Brothers and Sisters from all those roles that I had asked you to play for me to allow me to experiment, to allow me to know what is true forgiveness, to allow me to know who You Are, and recognize who I Am through You, through all what you have offered me. I release you and release me too, for I recognize that we will be release together.

The game is almost over, the dream has been revealed, we just have to wake up...

I see Us.

With Gratitude


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