Feb 10, 2010

No More Compromise! Love, Peace and Joy in reward...

It's crazy, I really like living a game where there chunks of bread scattered on the path show me where I must go. Whenever I pick up a piece of bread (guidance), I experience joy, love prevails and creates a bigger and bigger crater where the fire in my heart burns more... Each time I have the impression of passing to something else.
Erik was telling me yesterday, in fact, that nothing is connected. And today, I realized, during a visit to our friends in the castle, where the Holy Spirit showed me, that it's because we want to give names to things and make connections to give meaning to our experience, but in fact it is just an experience, and then another, then another. There is nothing to find in form to explain or analyze what I see because it would be looking in the wrong place, the answer is not there. The only cause is in my mind, in my thoughts. It is the only place where the correction happens. It is the only place where I can look to "justify" what I seem to experience.
While beginning Paltalk, I was guided to take some silent time. And I heard and felt how the guidance to share was that we should really be without compromise! Let illusions be what they are, illusions, see the false as false and focus on the Truth. What is very strong in my current experience, where I realize more and more that I'm in a dream that I am creating every moment. And which also reflects back to me so much love, joy, sharing, and Truth.
Since this morning with my mother, where we had a nice chat in which I shared that I would not answer to their fears or concerns, that I did not join them there. I told them how much I loved them, now more than ever and still more each day while I follow my path, and that I will no longer act in ways that reassure them. She asked me if a little compromise might be found, I laughed inside, and told her "no, I will not compromise." I follow my guidance to give them news and not because I should do it because they are my parents. I listened to everything she said to justify her fears or concerns, with love and presence, without trying to teach or make her change her opinion or to explain my point of view, because for me, it was not about that, but just to be firm with what I really want... to know the Being Who I really Am. And after reading last night the section on true empathy, I sense how much I no longer want to give reality to illusions, were it only in understanding my Brother or my Sister. Jesus tells us: "You must refuse to understand ..." when speaking of suffering. And here is what follows the practical application of theoretical integration. It is always wonderful how fast it goes! I received it in this space of peace and love, without reacting to what she shared, like I could do it so easily. I watched. And the more she entered her truth, the more my heart burned. I thanked her for allowing me to experience that moment.
When we left, she wept. I saw it, but felt nothing except the joy that has dwelled in me since the morning, the clarity in my mind and all this love ... because since that wonderful afternoon with my family yesterday, I feel so much love, wholeness, too. As if I opened at last to include everyone...
And then Erik I shared what he experienced with regard to that, and I realized that I had felt no particular emotion, that it did not affect my mood, I had seen it, but had not even paid attention. All I saw was love. All I felt was joy and love...
And that has continued to be reflected. Both at the castle, where I lived for a deep moment of sharing with Maud, with whom my heart burned so whenever we held each other in our arms, and who let go emotionally as well. It is a true gift to receive all this...
Then Philip and Ghislaine at the cottage, where one of their friends was [upset?] to see to what extent I was "inside" and I beamed... It's very hard for them, as I sense the Holy Spirit come through me... even more now.
Indeed, that's how I feel... Radiant... I feel the Spirit so present, at times as if my voice merges with His and I do not know who is speaking... it is beautiful.
So thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me toward that every moment, with such gentleness and love ...

Translated by our friend Andy

Lots of love to every One
I see Us

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