May 5th
Wow, Jesus, this is so wonderful! I’m seeing so much of the false beliefs and identities playing out and trying to keep me from joining with You, or sharing this joining. Yesterday there was such an awareness again of the desire to be perfect, to be seen as perfect, and therefore by sharing all those conversations, exposing myself (hum! which self?,) to the possibility of not being seen as perfect! But who is the one who want to be seen as perfect??? Then there was a fear of sharing all those questions that seem to be intimate, seem to be from me (hum), so personal! I feel that all this is really teaching me that nothing is personal, and enlarging the barriers to the extension of seeing that there is absolutely no barrier, no me, nothing personal, that everything is That, and that the play is just the play, not to take seriously! And all those thoughts are just there in order for me to be distracted from the Truth, from joining, from sharing, exposing what is false, what has no reality whatsoever, and to believe that there is a me who has really been that, done that, felt that, etc…! But exposing is really such a deep way of releasing the false in seeing through this keeping hidden game!!! I just love it! For there is something in me pushing me to be totally transparent… having nothing to hide, knowing nothing can hurt Who I am, and no thoughts are true! Nothing means anything, absolutely NOTHING! So let’s go to expose the falsity of the concepts that are just there to hide the Luminous Self that Always Is! Yesterday, I was reading one of David’s post from last December on his yahoo group about private thoughts, that I kept in my mailbox and at some point here this question “Would I want to have perfect communication, and am I wholly willing to let everything that interferes with it go forever?"T-15.IV.8 And for me the answer is YES! It seems that every day is just showing me the reflection of all those decision in my mind!
Wow, yes, it’s so great! It’s actually really the Purpose of Joining. In the Light of Truth, no darkness, no illusion can stand! They are all burnt into the Fire of Truth, leaving no trace, for they have never been. There is Only This.
You know it’s so wonderful for yesterday, I was feeling some tinkeling in my heart at the thought of going into MMT and doing again the ‘Quantum Physics’ section. But it didn’t happen. And just before going to sleep I checked my emails and I received an email to participate to a free tele-class given by a friend in Quebec, and then I opened a link talking about almost instantaneous healing through applying quantum physics. Again, it was shown that I don’t have to do anything, for everything is always given! I love it, and keep being amazed every day, as if it was the first time that it happened! (it’s funny for as I am writing this, I’m having that deep feeling that ‘It is the first time! There has never been any other moment than this one!’ as if this moment is all there is, and it feels like everything, eternal. And it is not the first time I’m having those deep feelings of the eternity of this moment and that there was never anything else. It really happens a lot now!
Yes, that’s the Joy of the Child Who doesn’t know anything and who sees everything as a Miracle! For there is nothing else than this Moment, even deeper… nothing else than This. Eternity is even beyond the feeling of eternity, of this moment that is eternal. And what you experience is that Reality is restoring Itself to you more and more as you see through the falsity of the illusion. Therefore time is fading… When there is no need for defense anymore, they just go. When there is no attention given to the illusion, it vanishes! When it is seen that there is no value in this world, and that nothing is outside the mind, What is Valuable is seen…
So this morning, I wanted to ask you how to deal with those beliefs that are still coming up. But I realized that keep given them over, seeing their falsity is what to do about them, AND keep focus on the Truth, on the Love in my Heart, on the Abstraction of the I Am and resting. There is nothing to do than resting in the Presence that I am, and being willing to do nothing. I saw that the ego was really hungry for a new process to deal with the belief. It didn’t like the answer of yesterday to how to deal with the deeply rooted identities that keep coming back. You just told me “I love you” and the feeling was so deep that it washed away any desire for an answer… really Love was, IS the Only Answer! But the ego is not satisfied with it, because it is not for it, it is the very thing that makes it vanish! So there was still a bit of that this morning. And it seems that it fades away, as I came in my day, seeing through all what is not!
Oh yes, the ego is hungry of practical answers, of processes, all questions, for it keeps the seeking going, and therefore maintain the sense of its ‘existence’. That’s why I told you that the Only True Answer is Love. There is no need for words, for they are not Truth. They point to it, and will be given as long as needed, but you are not the one in charge of that. You have to step aside and let Me or the Holy Spirit telling you what is most helpful, and knowing that words will come through if they are really needed. Sometimes your Silent Presence is what is most helpful and healing, for the ego cannot grasp onto that!
Oh yeah! That makes me think about what happened yesterday with Erik when he was struggling with a question to which he absolutely felt he need clarity to be able to see through and letting it go. He already asked me that question several days ago, and at that time, I felt I had to be present to be able to give him an answer for I felt he wanted an answer. But it didn’t work! I could feel I was trying to give him an answer that he rejected very fast. And even if I was asking for help, I could see that I really wanted to give him an answer. So yesterday, when he asked that question again, I just felt that I really didn’t know the answer, neither even if there was a need for a verbal answer and that it was the perfect opportunity for me to practice what you told me… that I didn’t need to listen to the words, but to You, and that the Only Answer was Love. So I did that, and it lasted for a while. He was talking and I was just focus on the Love I was feeling, like if I was listening with my heart, not my hears, and there was absolutely no discomfort, neither no special need in me to give him any answer. He was finding a lot of answers, clarity by himself, and at some point, words started to come in my mouth. It was so deep, for I had no idea 1 second before that I would talk or say anything. It was such a deep experience of trust again, to see that really I don’t need to do anything, just being willing to be used as an instrument for Truth.
It’s so beautiful Armelle. This is really how it works. You cannot trust until you try another way and you see it works, it’s true. Therefore you can let go of the old way, for you’ve been shown that you are never alone, and you don’t have to be the one in charge. Life is in charge of everything! Just be willing… everything will be given to You!
Wow, it’s so wonderful!!!! It was already like that yesteray when Erik and I joined. It felt that it was the answer to my prayer. I wanted some clarity about all the thoughts going on in my mind and as I joined with him, he shared his process, without talking about anything that was going on and this joining, was the Answer to the clarity I was asking for… Love. You forgot Who You are, that’s why you want clarity. Therefore the only Answer is Love, Who You are. Coming into right mindedness! As for today, same thing when I had those thoughts again, what came to me was, the answer is Love… and they all vanish! It was really my Call for Love. And through giving him Love, Presence, I answered my call!
And again, today, I was feeling I wanted to journal with you about the Immediacy of Salvation and what’s blocking it, what’s keeping from it to be Now! I was doing other projects, and suddenly felt joining with Erik, without any reason. And he shared what he was looking at and it turned into a “satsang” where we were questioning the Immediacy of Salvation! Isn’t it fabulous! It’s again showing me I need do nothing, just being willing… and it’s given, given, given!!! And through this mouth!! Awsome! Such a deep experience of Presence, Truth, Listening and doing nothing!! And getting clear! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!! I Love You soooo much!!!!
Mmmh… yes, it’s really how it works! You need do nothing! Except not interfere…!
Oh my God, Jesus, this is sooo amazing! I was just meditating on my lesson of the day, “In quiet I receive God’s Word today”, really determined to hear His Voice! I first had that vision of a hand putting a ring on my finger, as symbol of the union with God. Then I was shown that I never know what anything is for and I was seen how things are perfect as they are, and that we can never judge how the configuration is in relationship, and that by not judging it, nor putting relationships in any box and limiting them, I could see that everyone is always so taken care, and always receive what’s best. Therefore it doesn’t matter with whoever Erik could join or I could join for it is always what is most helpful in the moment for everyone. At that moment, I felt totally transcending, popping through the fear of change. It just dropped! And suddenly, my heart which felt like being in a shell, cracked open, as going out of the shell, and the light started to shine in it… It was so beautiful and such a deep release!!! Wow!
(Quiet laugh)(love)
You know Jesus, I feel that I still want to go deeper into the Immediacy of salvation. I feel I got a lot from joining with Erik, but still it feels there is more… could you tell me about it, and also show me what’s blocking me from accepting the total Atonement right now…
Believing in time is the main barrier, for then nothing is ever about the present moment. the Present Moment is what the ego absolutely wants to avoid. That’s why it keeps trying to distract you with many different things, taking you into further and further steps from Now. It doesn’t want you to stop busy acting because then you’ll be found in the quietness of the mind. The only one problem, being masked by the many it creates for you, keeps being pushed out of awareness and you keep being preoccupied by what is on the screen instead of totally stepping back in the Mind, where the only Answer and Correction to the misperception can be. That’s why I keep telling you that what happens on the screen doesn’t matter. It’s just a dream, a projection of the false belief that you could separate from the Creator. The dream, the world is an effect of a false cause, a cause that never was. Therefore it cannot exist. Therefore time cannot exist, nor space, nor any of the images the body’s eyes seem to see, because the body doesn’t exist either. So as long as you keep being preoccupied by what you seems to see, feel, the thoughts in the mind, etc… all what seem to be part of the dream of separation you will not know fully your Oneness with God. By focusing only on My Guidance, the Love that You are, and seeing nothing else but that, you’ll remember what has never been lost, and see that it has never been forgotten, for there has never been anything else but that. Keep giving me all the thoughts of time and space you could have so that they won’t distract you and be so mindful and prayerful about everything, that you let no doubt enter your mind. Remember to pause before answering anything to anyone, and ask Me. Remember to pause before interpreting anything you see or feel, hear or think, ask Me. Speak only My words that you may be bathed in My Love constantly, and in other time, keep quiet, stay with Me. I’ll do everything for you, through you, just be with Me, that you may transcend the belief that it’s possible that we are separate from each other and from our Father. By knowing your Oneness with Me, you’ll know It as Your Natural State. Because you believe in time, you cannot understand that it is already accomplished, that it has already happen long ago, and that nothing other than that has any reality. Therefore you think that it’s only possible in the future. But can you accept right Now your Reality in Heaven with Our Father?
Yes, I can.
Wonderful! Then stay there. Don’t move for there is nowhere to go, nothing to do! The final step will come to you
Yes, I really get that whatever thought or belief is in my mind it cannot keep me from Being Who I am, but can mask the awareness of it if I give it attention or power. It’s like our natural state is Resting in God, and every time that we follow those thoughts, which become beliefs I kind of experience “leaving” this state; I never do so, but the experience seems to be that of being out of God’s Mind. So it’s a matter of not giving any power to thoughts that arise and giving them over to You.
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