May 7, 2011

My journaling with Jesus, May 6th

May 6th
Hi Jesus, I keep feeling very attracted by all what thalks about ‘Quantum Physics’ and also about ‘beliefs’. It’s almost as if there is a message in me telling me that the more I will know about how it all works, the faster I’ll be totally free.
I’m see as I’m writing this, that this means that Freedom is not now, but in the future! Which cannot be true, or God wouldn’t be loving, and separation would be real, being possible that the Truth would not be true right now, but later when…

Hi Armelle, if you do question and answer, what do you want me do then?


Yes, this is exactly what we can do, laughing to the ridiculous of the ego thought system, and that all belief that separation for our Father is possible, and has happen and is still happening! Time and space is a joke! There is no time, only Eternity. How salvation could be conditional to you getting something or not? How could it be something like you’ll get salvation if you understand everything? This would be promoting that you have to do something in order to get somewhere, where you are not now. That’s how the journey starts… believing that you have to get somewhere, that you are not there yet, that you still have things to do, that you can do anything to make it happen, that you are the doer of anything! And that what you do have any effect on anything; which would mean that you are at the cause, having effects out there. And believing you are a cause is the authority problem, the core of the competition with God, to which you want to prove that you are better, and that you don’t need Him, that you are without Him. But without Him you are nothing, for you cannot be separate from Him. So of yourself you are nothing, you can do nothing, and being the effect of an unreal cause you can be nothing. Therefore you must be Free Now! For nothing that you think real has any reality whatsoever. And can’t therefore keep you trapped in any way. The realization that it’s all a dream is Freedom! For it is just a dream and not reality, then God must be Real, and you still must be in Him. And That, is available right Now. You don’t need to wait for anything for That to be True and your Reality Now.

Earlier, I felt being taken in a deep meditation, very abstract. And at some point it felt like if I was brought backwards through time and space, to the beginning of time, the big bang. But it felt like if the journey had no end to go back to that point before anything happened, as if there was something in my mind that was blocking the ‘stop’ button and I never reached the beginning point, where there was just This, nothing else, no universe, nothing, just a point or parcticule or I don’t know exactly but just no time, no space, no world, nothing specific…
Can you talk more about that experience …

The thing is that there was no beginning of time. You just believed there was, and you still believe there is. But there was no big bang, no separation. So how can you reach the beginning of something that has never happen? How can you find the end of something that has no beginning, except by seeing that it has never happen, and so it was just a dream. That’s the end of the dream. When you realize that the world and all there is to it is but a dream, an illusion. It has no reality. So in time and space you can seem to have those kind of experiences but there are still in time, there are not real. They might be helpful to enlarge your vision but they are not Reality. Reality is seeing the Christ everywhere and knowing it is What You are. God is Reality. And You are in Him, eternally. As long as you are still having an experience in time and space, you still define yourelf as being what you are not, no matter what is the experience. The Truth is beyond that. Reality has no boundaries, no measure, no limitation. What is limited and measurable cannot be real. Again, Reality is Now. And there is no experience of It, there is a Knowing. But you cannot understand that with the ego, so don’t even try! Accept It! Keep looking at everything you still believe and that keeps coming to your mind, and kind of tiring all that you still value in any way so that you come to see the total valuelessness of this whole cosmos of time and space. Then you’ll accept Reality fully. I am with you …

I guess that’s why I keep allowing me to choose any magic I still believe in, as a way to look at them deeper and see that in themselves they have no power, no value, they are just reflection of my mind. But if using magic reduces the fear, because in that moment, I am not fully ready to accept the Atonement, then does it mean that they are reflection of the fear? For I take them to be reflection of my openness to Truth and that they will just reflect of wide I am ready to open up to Truth. Whether they are persons, healing technic or anything else, they have no power, nor any meaning of themselves, but only the one that I give them, right?

In themselves they have no power, no meaning, like for everything. “I’ve given everything I see the meaning it has for me”, so that’s all! They are neutral, as is everything you see.  Magic is part of the world you made, and can therefore used by the Holy Spirit as a way to reduce the fear of waking up to Reality, because He would never do or guide you to anything that would engender more fear, for in that state of mind you would not be able to serve His Purpose, and therefore not seeing the false as false. So it’s helpful as long as there is fear in the mind. For having reduced the fear you are then available to perform miracles and accepting the Truth. They seem to have the power that you gave away because you were afraid of seeing how powerful your mind is, therefore you made an external agent seeming having that power instead of you. Sot you are not responsible of your thoughts. But by doing so it also make you feel powerless in some sense, thinking that the power is outside you.

I saw how I’ve been identified with feeling, having a lot of feelings, being in touch with my feelings, and how I am attached to feel, to the sensations of the body I think. It’s almost as if feeling defines me! It’s also like there is an attachment to the feeling of the beingness, to the vibration in the body to which I give meaning. When there are a lot of vibrations it means that I am in higher state of consciousness and so it’s better. And it feels as if there is a lot energy that is just asking for a little step more to pop up. But it seems there is a wall blocking it. So that awakening would be that explosion of this wall.

There are a lot of assumptions to question there. For it seems that everything you say has a lot of reality for you. The feelings are coming from what you believe, and the way you feel determines the thoughts you have. In the world we define everything with the five senses. The world is seen through them, and that’s part of the judgement mechanism. I know I’ve said the only right use of judgement is ‘how do I feel?’, so that you can know what you are believing, whether you believe in separation or in your Oneness with God. But here, what you describe, it seems that you use feeling as a way to know where you are on the level of awakening, assuming that there are levels, so that needs to be questioned, for it assumes the belief in time, that it’s not now, but for the future, when… Nothing has any meaning, and still it will seem as if the body is transforming with the awakening process, for it will reflect the change of state of mind. So there can be those kind of ‘vibrations’ but in themselves they don’t mean anything, for if they did, it would mean that separation has happened and that you are on a process to solve it, which would happen some day when… And that cannot be the Truth. It can seem to be your experience, but only because you believe in time, and therefore you see the Answer given by God separates by time from when the ego was made. But it was instantaneous, and over long ago. You keep thinking that what you seem to live is happening now, with a past story and a future to come. But everything is past. And you are in God Now. So being attached to the feeling of beingness as you say it, is deceiving yourself, for it’s trying to make something last in time and wanting it not to change, so that you can know that you exist. There is nothing that can last in time, for everything is passing. It comes and goes. Feelings come and go. They are trustworthy in the moment. It also seem that you talk more about sensations, bodily sensations, determining your level of awakening. But there is no level! There is no compromise between nothing and everything; the Atonement is total or not at all. There is no in between! So it’s again a trick used by the ego to keep you preoccupied by the body, the outside and measuring something that is not measurable, when the only Solution is inside, where the problem is. Keep your mind focus on Truth, not on seeming effects of a process which will lead you only to delay time and deceive yourself more into illusions. None of the seeming effect of waking up to Reality is worth to focus on, or analyse or give attention or meaning to. They are nothing! Empty concepts! Effects with a false cause, therefore they cannot exist. There is no competition, for there has never been any separation. So there is nowhere to go back to, no race to win. It’s Now! And it’s done! And it is inevitable! You don’t even have a choice in it! That’s how it is!

Wow, thank you. I feel kind of confuse and even not totally sure about everything I wrote, where it is coming from. I have some doubts that I willingly give to you, that I may know your Certainty and being shown if there are things to change in what has been written. Thank you for your Presence.

After sharing my doubts about this writing and then reading it again, a sudden very strong pain arise in the body, in the left arm, the chest, the troat, going to the tong, they felt like becoming paralysed, and it was more and more difficult to breath or move. It was as if I was having a heart attack! Aware that it could only be an ego reaction, I was contemplating the statement “sickness is a defense against the Truth”, and realizing than once the purpose of sickness, which is making me believe that I am not what I am and that I am a body weak and vulnerable, is seen, that healing occurs! So I felt that I didn’t have to try to make the pain disappear but dropping into it felt the guidance. So I put some music and went into an Inner dance, releasing the body, in coming into the experience of the Spirit! I had the image of Jesus on the cross coming to me as a reminder that I am not the body, and that this experience was the opportunity to go beyond the pain and transcend it.
More and more I felt like drugged, not knowing anything, nor what anything is for… We decided to watch a movie “what dreams may come” and as Erik was reading the comment of David in his movie watcher guide, I was having that experience that I didn’t understand any of the words he was saying, and I was just laughing so much because I didn’t understand anything, and everything just seemed to be so funny. We’ve been joining into that unending laughter for a while. It was so releasing! Even that laughter had no meaning, no reason, just empty! So wonderful! 

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