Dec 29, 2011

Merry Birth of Christ

such a deep silence
keeps calling and calling
taking over any activity
leaving nothing to hold onto
falling over and over again
in a bottomless ocean of love
in the abyss of being
an emptiness so appealing
I keeps dying and dying
surrendering over and over again
no resistance to anything
only free falling
one certainty...
not knowing!

this... the Eternal
this... the ocean of Bliss
This... as it is
this... only this...

Merry birth of Christ


Dec 22, 2011

What is Here... always...

Here's a recording of a spontaneous paltalk about what's always Here, and looking at thoughts and experiences... Enjoy!

What is Here, always. Paltak 22dec11

Lots of love

Dec 17, 2011

Love Is!

Love is... 
Love is all there is, all there has ever been... Even what seems to be an experience of lack of love or hatrid or attack, it is still Love "in action", Love seeing this, experiencing this, allowing this to be exactly as it is... 
This is Forgiveness... cutting through all thoughts of judgements of what appears to be and seeing that only Love remains... 
Only Love Is!


The impossibility of Judgement!

wooow, it is impossible to judge anything or anyone, for there was never anyone doing anything,
nor anything that happened wrongly...
It is, has always been only the play of existence! 
Nothing has ever been out of place!!!!! No one has ever been guilty... 
There is nowhere to land... judgement is IMPOSSIBLE!
Eternal Pure and Perfect Innocence Is all there Is!

Celebration of Love and Freedom ;-)


Dec 15, 2011

Pull to express... lifting of the veil...

wow, there is such a strong pull to express, extend, share what's unfolding here.... it's sooo amazing!!!! it's deeper and deeper and the veil of illusion is lifted over and over again... in the profound humility of not knowing anything and feeling this absolute, divine "stupidity" (I love that!!! ) everything keeps revealing itself, words come, insights... doors that were thought closed are seen open, fears leave as snow melts in the warmth... and Love, Love... wow what an incredible Love.... it is...

I called my parents, felt extending. and shared all that's unfolding here... joy, happiness for no reason, deep peace, trust that life totally takes care of 'me', how deeply I know they've always been loving me and that there was never anything but that, all what I could have told them was just coming from my interpretation, a story I was telling myself, never true, never happened... and it was amazing!!!! My father was such a pure reflection of my mind.... he was laughing as listening to me, and then he said " you are not the one we knew, what a change!!!! it's great, I'm sooo happy...." it was amazing! Same with my mother, we talked about intuition and no separation, that the Spirit is always alive even if there is death of the body!!!! oh God... wooooooow

Armelle thought she needed to be intelligent, say or share intelligent things, writing a certain way, making sure everything is true, acurate, perfectly non-dual or Course, saying the "right thing", wow what a joke!!!!!!!!! Then it's seen that there was still a subtle desire to get approval, being recognized, looking for recognition outside, to 'be a teacher', and therefore afraid... wouuu the mask is seen, separation caught... pfff vanished!!! And then, it is seen that words are just words, none is the Truth, they are pointers, only pointers (like don't take the finger for the moon!) and pwow ... Freedom again... deeper... gates are open, the flood is coming... 

it is sooo amazing!!!!!
It doesn't stop... and it seems that the silent time is shifting into expression!!!!! 

Love You!!!!

Fear of death - Fear of Life (God, Truth...)

As long as there is a fear of death, there will be fear of Life (Love, Truth, God...)... for living would mean taking the risk of dying at any moment... living meaning then that there is a separate individual that lives life. So, from the perspective of a separate individual, we spend our whole life as a living-dead as a way to avoid death... but death is inevitable! so why not 'dying' Now to the one we think we are and discover that there is no death...that Spirit is immortal! That there is only Life, Love, God, This...

Who's the teacher?

The teacher is not a specific person or role that is played by a specific person... it's in the eyes of the one who looks... Everything and everyone, in each and every moment is the teacher!!!! It's always an invitation to see ....

Don't look outside yourself....

There is nothing to be found outside yourself... It's already here. All the answers are here! Just look, question! All that seems to happen can be used as a doorway to go inward, bring you back Here and discover what's always been, what is... unveiling the illusion to recognize the Truth...


Dec 14, 2011

Mysticism: Transitioning to abstract Oneness (David Hoffmeister and sharing from Armelle)

 In AwakeningInChrist@ yahoogroups. com, "David" wrote:
> The mystical transition happens prior to mystical Oneness. Resurrection is when Christ is recognized. This is the completion called the mystical State, the gateway to Eternity. No longer is there a person, for Spirit is forever One with God.

> Before the mystical Union is the gift of contemplation. It is the INVITATION to this higher life to be unfolded. This gift is like a trumpet call, which begins the FINAL JOURNEY to God.

> Forgiveness points the way. It should be defined here what it is. It is the ability to Perceive wholeness at once:

> One sees instantly that the only way one could remove the taint was to still the mind and release all attachments with people. It is at the point of PEOPLE - wanting their love, wanting involvement, that one falls short. It is always applause, recognition on an earthly level, that trips one up. Stillness is the way.

> WITHDRAWAL from the thinking of the world is the only answer. Distraction from God saps your energy, confuses and distorts awareness.

> You can do more by PRAYING than by talking. The Lord will say "drop everything and forget all."
> What you DO want to do is to be open to the eternal realm of God; to think about Truths and to receive impressions from the Divine Mind. It isn't any use to tell the mystic not to focus on those things; for this was the mystic born, for this the mystic is talented. You might as well tell someone like Mozart not to compose music.

> The state of mystical life is a type of COCOON. It is an atmosphere, a world wherein the mystic soars. It is NOT a delusional world, but it is intuned to another dimension - Higher. In this mystical cocoon you are developing, but in another way than the typical life. You are learning to use faculties that have previously been dormant or inactive, or you are learning to use full force those talents you already used in part.

> When you enter the cocoon you release all about you. The world of time and space and people and friends and relatives fades into the background of consciousness and disappears. You live in the Heart of God.

From David Hoffmeister


oh David Thank You sooo much for writing this....

Yesterday I felt writing you several times and expressing what's unfolding here, but no words came... It's like there's a pull from That to express Itself and no words to put it, no words to describe what's going on...
Since we talked the other day, the Stillness is even deeper, it's a Pure Delight. Questions, thoughts arise and as looked at, they are seen for what they are, distraction. It makes no sense at all for the ego, for the mind to not pay attention to them, to not believe them, to not give power to them, to not search for answer... and it totally feels that those answers are only in the Stillness! For there, everything just vanishes, and nothing, absolutely nothing is needed! 
Fear arises and is felt, allowed, met and it disappears. Sometimes it seems like the body is shaking, and in this total allowance, there is bliss. Fear, the word, is left, and there is just the experience of an energy and an openess to it.

It seems that memory is going too. It's difficult to put into words, but it feels like there is no past anymore. Actually there hasn't been any past, it feels. There isn't any certainty that yesterday was, that the image in the mind that says: "Yes there was a yesterday!!" seems empty, meaningless. Why bother when Everything is Here, Now! It seems that some images come, but there are more a story, than 'my' story, and always a potential to go even deeper, to deepen into What Is and forgive all the images.

It feels that the body is moving, doing its things, and I watch. I can see some stronger grip of identification, but they are seen, and don't have that much power. It feels like Life is happening in me. I am not the doer of This.

There is no need for anything to be different for everything is absolutely as it is supposed to be. There is no need to know what's next for Now, is all there is, full and complete with Being. There's a feeling that maybe there will never be any inspiration anymore for anything because This is so full that nothing else is needed! Or maybe is it that it wasn't true Inspiration in past experiences and that there was always a desire to get something out of everything and that gone, there is room for only True Inspiration.

There's a feeling of beginning, that everything is fresh and new. And a feeling that everything as this character knew it is ending. 

There is little words coming from this mouth, for mostly, there is nothing to say. Just This is more than enough. Even when there seems to be others, it feels that all the energy here is inward, there is no interest about what's going on on the screen, so often it seems like not hearing what is said or talked about if it's not specifically addressed to me. Before that could happen, but it was more of a doing, now.... it is! and therefore totally effortless!

It's like this could go on forever, and in the same time like no words will be able to convert fully This. But This is beyond words... 

I am so so so grateful for Everything.. .
Love You Forever!

Dec 11, 2011

Say YES to your Self! Using the Holiday season to undo people-pleasing.

I've been miraculously invited to talk on Paltalk last Saturday! I love how things happen! It's so great to see that Life has plan that will unfold with or without 'my' consent! This is Joy! Freedom!

Enjoy the talk...
And remember that everything, everyone at a deeper level, always collaborates for revealing what's blocking the awareness of the Truth, the Love that we are...

Have the courage to break the pattern! Listen to your Heart, to the Spirit! And allow whatever arises from that to be... exactly as it it, meet whatever has been repressed or covered by acting a certain way... And in the meeting of those feelings, discover what is always Here!

Say YES to your Self. Using the Holiday season to undo people-pleasing, paltalk.

Lots of love

Dec 6, 2011

What is Love?

Yesterday before sleeping, I asked "what is Love?"
First came an experience, then I heard... "... the blooming of everything exactly as it is..."

Love You!