April 30th
Dear Jesus,
Can you tell me why I seem to be so afraid of asking you questions? Why I seem almost to not have any question? I don’t know really what to ask, what to be clear about, what is unclear…
The ego doesn’t want you to ask question that could uncover its unreality. This thought of separation in your mind tries by every mean possible to keep a hang onto you, and therefore doesn’t want you to question what it is. It wants you to keep believing its real, its who you are, its your home. If you were certain of your identity you wouldn’t need to ask any question, but a part of your mind is in doubt and believes it’s separate from God. This part is listening to the voice that speaks for the ego and believes that you are what you are not. That’s all what you need to question, to see through. The ego has clouded your mind with its stories and theories to keep you from questioning the core of its foundation. It keeps you preoccupied in the world so that you wouldn’t go within. It made a lot of distractions that are keeping your mind focused on that instead of on recognizing the Truth. It’s scared of disappearing. But in Reality it has never been. You are not scared of asking questions. It is. You are not the one asking questions, it is. And the Holy Spirit uses that ability to question to meet you and remind you of your true Identity in Heaven, that You never left. Who you are doesn’t need question, but it’s clouded by all what you are not and in which you still believe. And that’s what needs to be questioned. You have to come to see its unreality, so that you can know Your Only True Reality in God, with Me, right Now.
Yesterday I came to see that there is no different problems, that I don’t have a jealousy problem, a relationship problem, an allergy problem, a rhythm problem, a fear of others problem, a pride problem…etc… but that they are all covering over the only problem there is, that I believe I am separate from God and others. Is it enough for healing to occur?
This is Healing Itself! Seeing that nothing outside you is causing you to suffer in any way, that nothing outside you exists at all, has any reality whatsoever! Everything is in the mind, and only there. It’s even not personal to you, it is just in the mind that you share with everyone! There is no specific problem. There is one problem and one solution. And it’s right Now! Separation never happened. You are still in God, dreaming of exile but having never left. Being asleep doesn’t mean you are lost. You are just asleep and need just to wake up. Healing is seeing that only that is true, that none of the images you made and you see are true, that none of the idols and gods you made are real and can have any effect on you. What can an illusion do? Nothing! It simply vanishes when its unreality is seen. It’s that simple. And you are the one having the power to see it right now. There is even no Armelle who could have a problem. The one who you think you are doesn’t exist. So, coming from there, how could it have any problem? They go away when it’s seen that they rest on nothing but a false premise, a fake sense of self that has never been at the first place!
It seems that even if I have little questions that come, the answer is always the same… it comes down to believing I am separate and to see that it is not true and has never been.
Yes! All question lead to that core belief. All concern about anything in the world, about the body, about future outcome or past memories come from that. Seeing through that belief in separation is Healing, is Forgiveness. Nothing has even happened! That’s why I tell you to take no thought for tomorrow, to have no care about what to wear, what to eat, where to go, what to do, where to stay, with whom, etc… Your Reality is in Heaven, in God. That’s the only thing you have to be vigilant for, to put your focus on, until it’s not necessary anymore, because Knowledge has been fully restored to you. “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things will be added unto you”. Keep your focus there.
Thank You so much!
With Love Armelle
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