May 3, 2011

Journaling with Jesus, intro and April 29th

Since the beginning of this path, I've been on and off journaling with Jesus. I often felt the Call to, but as soon as I did it, it was so powerful and everything was going so fast, that I faslty became scared and stopped. Then I had resistance to start again, because of how powerful it was. Several weeks ago, I started again, but didn't talk to Jesus, bu to God or my Self, really seeing I was trying to avoid Him. But since being a little girl, I've loved Him so much and have been used to talk to him so much at that time, that I knew I was still resisting;-)))
Last week, after having been made Minister, and having lived the Miracle that followed, the Call was even stronger, and that very same day I wrote Him. And it's such a powerful experience for me...
Erik asked me twice to post it on the blog, but again I could see some resistance to that;-) So today, I journaled about that, and received as answer to share it, for it is not personal to Armelle!

So here is, my journaling of those last days with Jesus. Enjoy...
My question are in normal writing and His answers are in italic!

With Love and Devotion

April 29th
Dear Jesus,
Here I am as I was feeling the Call to, to ask you all the questions that are coming to my mind. First, I want to say that I feel a trembling in the body as taking this step as well as a fear. It’s several days that I feel a deep vulnerability which seems to be very helpful to be reached or even found, when all the walls of protection are down. It’s as if I am constantly washed away from everything I believe is true, and ripped away from inside. I cry so much, and it’s so full of love… Can you tell me something about this,

Armelle, it’s so beautiful to witness that, to see this shift and this opening to the Truth in You. Your burning desire for Being Who You are is making it happen, is restoring Reality to You. In this, you can see, feel that you don’t have to do anything. For the one who would like to do, who thinks it’s the doer could never reach the Truth, it disappears in the face of Truth. So this one constantly wants to do something to interfere with the natural movement of Life coming back to Its Reality. So all what’s falling away is the inteference, the untrue, the unnecessary. You are pealing away the layers that you don’t need, for Who You are is Everything, and doesn’t need anything external to be That. So the one who is vulnerable is not You. It’s again a defense, another face of the same illusion. You are totally Unvulnerable. Stay there, and let the trembling be the trembling, you are not that either. You are That which never trembles before anything, That which encompasses everything.

Thank you.
I have a question. Are you really Jesus?

(laughter – deep feeling of Love showering my Being) I couldn’t be. For Where I am, there is no personal, there is no name, there is no definite form. What I am is What You are, and that’s from this point of view that I am talking to you, to that part of You. I am talking to my Self, from the Self. So in Truth, no I am not. But for a helpful point of view, yes I am. I am the Voice that once was his, and Who is known for having accomplished, or recognizde the Truth, for having seen the Christ in every of his Brothers and known himself as the Son of God. And  that’s from this experience that I can join with you, for I know what you are going through, therefore I can help you to not fall in the trap of the illusion, for I have been there myself, once believing it was real. But I’ve seen it’s not, and that’s what I want to share with you and everyone. In Truth, I, You have never been like this. We have never been these bodies, these stories. Never. It has only been a dream that the mind believed. But it’s already over now. It’s just playing that again, but you are none of it, NONE.

So what is the purpose of my relationship with Erik?

Remembering the Truth. Seeing the Christ in him, as it is for all your relationships. This one is just the one to which you gave the purpose of joining in the Truth, in remembrance of the Father, of the One You are. It is the one you gave yourself fully to, so that you may know Who You are, and waking up to Reality. It’s your mighty companion, as I am. Except that he seems to be there on earth with you, and that I seem to be in your mind. But truly that’s where we are both, as well as the idea you have yourself and of the world. It’s just in your mind. None of it exists in a solid form, in matter. There is no matter, for there is nothing outside the mind. So, forgive all the images you see, that you may know what is beyond them.

Ok, but how am I suppose to know when something is right and when it’s not, when I am supposed to surrender to what’s happening and when I am called to stay in the certainty? Is it possible that I will be called to not go with what he says or does and staying in what I feel?

(shower of love)You don’t have to know anything! You can totally forget everything you think you know for that’s what will be in the way of following fully my Guidance. So all the ideas you have about what you are supposed to do or not do, when you are supposed to surrender or staying in the certainty, to be straight or following the flow… let all that go. It’s all false, anyway. All the ways you think to answer to anything he might do or say are false, fake. They are covering the Truth. You don’t have to answer anything nor react in any particular way. You don’t have to know anything, for there is only one way to answer, and it’s by Love. It comes down to only One Answer, which solves every perceived “problem”. So the first step is to come to that Love that You are. And from there, the way to act will be given to you. Pause first. Don’t let the mind engage in any way, before you take that pause! Learn to do that, until Love will be your only answer! 

I believe I have to understand the words, to be attentive and understand what people are saying in order to be able to answer them. So when I imagine that I don’t need to know anything, it means to me I don’t even need to know the language and I might still be saying something. And if I don’t understand, how will I know that I answered to what they say.

You have it all backwards! You think you need to answer to what they say, because you think that words are the answer. But I just told you that the Only Answer to anything is Love. So it doesn’t matter what they say. It doesn’t matter if you talk or not. Just give Love. Just Be Love. That’s all what they are really asking for, as you are. All questions, no matter what they are, are always and only a call for Love. For if there is a question, there has been a forgetting of your true identity, and only What You are can remind you What You are. And That is Love. There is no question in Heaven. Everything is Complete and in constant Communication. There is no need for anything, no doubt, nothing lacking. Everything Is. The only way for you to know that what I’m telling you is true is to try… to experience it. So from now on, just focus on Love, not on the words, only on the Presence within. Don’t listen to the words anymore but to Me, to the Spirit within, and trust the words will come effortlessly in your mouth if there is a need for it. Don’t pretend you know what your brother needs, for you don’t. And doing so would be trying to take My Place. As long as your mind is split, you cannot know anything, you can only call on Me or the Holy Spirit for the Answer.
I am with you, forever in Love.

Jesus, why do I keep being jealous?

Because you keep believing you’re separate from God. Therefore you see bodies and are in competition with all of them, for you are in competition with God that you see outside you. You want to have His Place. You believe you are the author of yourself and therefore God cannot exist. So you are in a constant war with yourself, against what you know is true, and what you try to convince yourself. You know that you cannot have created yourself. Everyone knows it, that’s why they keep searching for the beginning of time, the beginning of the creation, but they look for it in time, instead of accepting God as the Only Author, out of time. Your Reality is not in time, not on earth, but in Heaven, in God, where Only You are. There is no life outside Heaven, outside the Mind of God, where You abide. There is NO compromise possible Armelle. You MUST accept the Truth. You cannot be on both sides, you cannot serve two masters. Your Happiness lies in that. You have to accept It!

I am so sad, because I’d like so much to be further than where I am. I’d like to experience NOW being in God.

Only the thought that you are not in Him right Now is what is causing you to feel separate. And even with that thought in your mind, you are not separate from Him, you just experience yourself to be, because you make the experience of a self that is separate, that believes itself being the all mighty, but can only be lonely. The one who is sad is not you, so don’t let him deceiving you. You have to be far much more vigilant than that with your mind wandering. You allow far too much to be what you are not!! An untrained mind can accomplish nothing! Stay in the Miracle. You are in God right Now and forever. For without Him, you are not at all, you are nothing.

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