May 3, 2011

Journaling with Jesus May 1st

May 1st
Dear Jesus, today I talked with my biological family and it didn’t feel that easy to see them in Truth, I could see that I still believe I am the daughter, mainly with my father that I see I believe is unhappy and I want to save him in some way by giving what I know is true, but it feels like preaching and he is not interested by that, and also with Jade there was some guilt of not being more present for her, that she could miss me or feeling not worthy because I am not there. So can you help me to look at that with your Light.

The belief that we come from the world, from parents is very strong. It’s the core of the ego thought system, that we’ve made ourselves, that we are the author of ourselves, that’s the authority problem, that the core of the guilt, of the belief in separation. That’s the split, the gap in cause and effect, you believe you made the world and then there’s a reversal of it and you believe the world made you, therefore you can be a victim of it, you cannot be responsible for what “happens to you”. And the forgetting keeps reigning in your kingdom, where you are the god. You’ve taken god’s place, you are all mighty and you have all power on everything around you. But that has a counterpart, which is that you need to protect all that, because you believe you’ve taken it, you are usurping this power and you believe therefore that it can be taken away from you. So you never feel safe, and you keep attacking to protect yourself and what you have, because you don’t know who you are. Believing to be your author, you forgot your True Author, and therefore you denied yourself your Reality, for denying God is denying yourself. Therefore, you made parents on which you project they made you. You are not responsible anymore. You didn’t ask, they did that to you. Therefore you owe them your life, and they are responsible for everything that happen to you, for your unhappiness, your failure, etc… so you are not, it’s because of them, because of what they didn’t give you, it’s because they failed that you fail. But all that is so untrue. You are the one choosing to forget and believe you are separate from God, and they are just part of your dream, showing you what you believe, showing you the way to remember the Truth and you give them the purpose that you want, you see what you want to see in them. They are not different than any of your brother. You just make them more special, and that’s why you feel guilty. You really believe they are real, but they are not more real than any other, they have no other purpose than any of your other brother. They didn’t make you. God created you. You don’t owe them anything, and you are responsible for everything. How you see them, you will see yourself. What you think of them, you will think of yourself. The laws are not different for them. You made them different, but I didn’t, neither the Holy Spirit. You are all the same, the Sons of God. You will see them differently as long as you want to be different, as long as you want to be special to them. You will see them missing you, as long as you want to believe in lack, and seeing them lacking. But remember, the secret is that you do that but to yourself. And you have the power, God’s power, to see it truly. You are Childs of God, and nothing differentiates one from the other. See where and how you still want to be special to them, and you’ll see where you are still bound to remain separate from the Father, where you are still choosing to be who you are not!

Yes, I can see that I still see them mainly unhappy and I want to be different from them, I don’t want to be like them, I want to be the one who succeeds, who is madly happy. That’s the image I’m trying to defend with them it feels. I believe by not being with them I am taking something away from them, I am depriving them of something valuable, of my love, light, therefore I at least have to be happy and I have to prove them that I am happy. It feels like I am betraying them.

You believe it’s personal to you. You believe it’s something that you have found and that other didn’t. You see them different, poor and you see yourself abundant. But it’s in each of you. God is in everyone.

I’m seeing degrees of happiness and seeing degrees of awakening that I measure with the degree of happiness I see in other, and I classify them that way. I don’t see brothers consistently. I still make exception. I see bodies, and levels and I judge them regarding where I see that they are in their awakening, and therefore I separate us. I, myself, forgot that I am a Son of God, so I cannot see my Brothers. I made them up to confirm my dream, and I use them to keep dreaming that I am not what I am, instead of to wake up to Reality, all together. Every time I see a story, that I believe they have a life of themselves, I see them on a time line with step to take yet, and I crucify them and therefore myself, for that’s how I see myself. I don’t overlook the errors, I judge them, and therefore I make them real. I don’t forgive, I crucify! That’s the message I’m teaching myself, that I still have steps to take, that I’m not there yet! But if the Truth is true, and that It’s Eternal, it must be true Now, without any condition! And That is Freedom!

There you are, Armelle, at the Core. The Truth is true, and is true Now, for you and everyone, for we are all in the Mind of God. There is no Reality apart from Him. There is nothing outside His Mind. What you offer to one, you offer it to all. Only Reality in Heaven exists. All else is but an illusion, made by the sleeping mind, that the ego uses to distract you to look within and seeing the Truth, that You are still in God, that You never left, that nothing has changed, because nothing has ever happened. There are no parents, partners, family, people, world! None!

With Love Always

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