Mar 12, 2010

Shift in perception... when I choose Spirit

With everything that’s happening about this conference, I am really becoming more and more aware of the stupidity of the world and that there’s really no value in having an attachment in the world nor in a particular outcome. Erik shared with me that it’s also important to recognize that I asked for what happens, it’s my responsibility. And here came one of the most wonderful realizations for me, that I’m in the habit of beating myself up for everything I experience, that yes, I asked for it to happen, but not because I'm still stuck in the same pattern and can’t get out, but because I told the Holy Spirit that I was giving everything to Him and that I wanted the truth and only the truth, and so He is giving me the opportunity through this conference to see the absurdity of the world again, and the only value there is, which is in God. It is absolutely fantastic ...
I asked to see it all, to give myself all these experiences, because I want all the blocks to the presence of love that are still present to return to my consciousness so I can give them to Him. I see that a huge shift has occurred in my mind, because it’s no longer a question of me holding a grievance about experiencing it, of judging that I experience it... there is no more unworthiness, no more reference to the past, no more victim, no more guilt... just total gratitude for this experience that’s offered to me to heal my mind about the world and my beliefs...

I really understand that my happiness is not necessarily in the fact of being physically present at a conference, to be a teacher and that Spirit speaks through everyone, I'm not special! My happiness is in the fact of following God’s Will, which is also mine, but of which I'm not necessarily always aware... So whether this conference takes place or not, nothing changes, the form it takes won’t change anything either, in my state of mind, with the joy that dwells in me, because it gives me more humility and ordinariness, what I want to experience... and it’s the same as for Mallorca... I trust, I let go of pride and I'll be where Spirit wants me... the way He wants me... because that is my freedom and my peace...



Translated by Andy

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