Dec 29, 2012

Christmas Satsangs

Dear Friends,

Here are the two latest Satsangs that Armelle and I shared, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Enjoy...

Dec 23, 2012

Online ACIM Satsangs on Google Hangout!

You are warmly invited to join myself, Armelle, and other devoted friends for any of our upcoming "ACIM Satsang" sessions using Google Hangouts online. These sessions are a fun way for us to connect in Purpose without leaving the comfort of our bedroom or office! "Satsang" is a sanscrit word which basically means "Joining in Truth".  It is an opportunity to share from our hearts, ask questions, be open to Answers, and always to practice seeing the Innocence in one another. Authentic spiritual healing and inner Peace are the results. 

If you are new to Google Hangouts (or even if you're not), then be sure to continue reading (down below the video) for some additional info that you might find helpful. 

Here's a little invitation video I just made...

For those of you who are new to Google Hanguts, you should know first off that there are two types of Google Hangouts. There are "regular" Google Hangouts which are like "private rooms" (up to ten people in the room at once, but the session is not broadcasted), and then there are what's called Google Hangouts "On Air". Hangouts On Air (HOA) still can only hold a maximum of 10 people in the room, but they are also broadcasted live as they are happening and then made available for viewing on YouTube afterwards.

Because I'm feeling most inspired by the idea of broadcasting the Satsangs live for the benefit of everyone, most of these ACIM Satsang sessions will be the latter type - Google Hangout On Air. If, however, you would prefer a "private" Satsang session on Google Hangouts (either with you alone, or just a small group), just email me and I will be happy to organize one of those at a time that works best for you!

In order to join the Hangout sessions, you will need to sign up for a Google+ account if you don't already have them, and then add me to one of your "circles".  Then you will start receiving the invitations in your email inbox or on your Google+ page.  Once an event has been scheduled, then I always post the link for joining the Hangout about 10 minutes prior to the start time.  I will either be posting it on the event wall, or having it sent in a private message to those of you who've responded "Yes" to the invitation. 

Here is a link to the invitation for tomorrow's Christmas Eve Satsang:

Next thing... it's always helpful to make sure that all of your audio/video equipment (video camera, microphone, headphones/speakers) is working properly well ahead of time. That way you won't have to fuss with any of it once the Hangout has actually begun. In order to do this, sign in to your Google+ page (again, you'll have to create a new account if you don't already have one - but they are completely free) and then follow these simple instructions:

1. Look in the upper-right hand area of your Google+ webpage, and you should see a button where it says, "Start a hangout". This is what you would click to start a hangout of your own should ever decide to do so... but it also can be used solely for testing all of your computer's equipment. Click on this "Start a hangout" button now.

2. In the new window that this takes you to, you should see a few grey icons in the upper right-hand corner, the third from the left of which is one that looks like a little gear. This is the icon for "Settings". Click on this, and it will take you to a page where you can test (and, if necessary, reconfigure) your audio/visual equipment.

3. Once in the settings page, you'll see a video screen in the middle, and ideally, you should see yourself moving in the video screen already. To the right of the video screen, you'll see a few drop down menus. The top one is for the video source. If you don't see your face in the video screen, you may need to click on that first drop-down menu and choose another video source (if there are any). If for some reason, you can't get your video camera to work properly, no worries... you can still join the hangout and communicate in a purely audible way. :-)

4. Which leads us to the next thing to check, which is that your microphone is working properly! You can check this by looking on the left-side of the 2nd drop-down menu - just beside the little microphone symbol. As you start talking, notice if you can see a little green meter there which goes up and down to register the sounds you are making. If so, it's working. If not, then either your microphone isn't working, or you need to configure it differently. If this is the case, click on the drop down menu next to the microphone symbol and try choosing different sources to test which one works.

5. Last but certainly not least, check that your speakers and/or headphones are working properly so that you will be able to HEAR everything in the Hangout clearly. (Note: if you own headphones, please use them during the Hangout rather than just listening through your computer's speakers. That way, there will be less "feedback" for everyone else.) You can test your headphones/speakers by clicking on the "Play Test Sound" button just below the 3rd drop down menu. If you hear the ringing sound it produces, then your equipment is obviously working and you're good to go! Otherwise, try changing something in the third drop-down menu there.

6. Once everyone is working, click on "Save Changes" at the bottom of this page. Then you can just exit out of that screen by either closing the web window itself, or by clicking on the little symbol in the far upper-right hand corner which looks like a telephone being hung up.

If you would like to connect with me privately at any time, you may do so via Skype (my username is Erik Archbold), or you can email me at:

Otherwise, I look forward to welcoming you into Satsang with Love!


Dec 22, 2012

I Give My Life Over To You

Here is Armelle and I singing her latest song "I Give My Life Over To You" in the living room just the other day! Enjoy... :-)

Nov 15, 2012

The Inspiration is Flowing...

I just recorded a few more songs.

Here's a longer version of this beautiful Cat Stevens song which I've loved from the moment I first heard it. May it touch your heart as it has touched mine...

Next, I recorded my version of John Lennon's classic tribute to all of us peace-loving dreamers. :-)

And finally... a gentle reminder from the Spirit that was given to me three years ago when I devoted my life fully to God... "Just Relax". :-)

Nov 11, 2012

It's Only Me

Well, I finally got inspired to do a little multi-track recording (adding harmony vocals and a 2nd guitar) for this song I wrote a couple years ago. Enjoy. ♥

Nov 9, 2012

My friend Suzanne at Living Miracles Monastery just sent me this link to their latest video creation. It's taken from footage of the Strawberry Fields Forever Music Festival that I played at last July. ♥ With Love...

Aug 20, 2012

Back to Love

Here's my first Spreaker broadcast (it's like internet radio), in which I felt inspired to sing a song on my guitar written by Donna Marie Cary called "Back to Love".  It's a beautiful song about forgiveness.  Enjoy!  

Aug 9, 2012

Reading of A Course in Miracles, Ch. 28: The End of Fear

I just finished recording myself reading Chapter 28 from the Course, as part of a project that Armelle is leading at the Monastery for a new audiobook of the Course.  Instead of it being read by only one person though, it will be read by multiple people each reading whatever section feels Guided for them individually!  Cool, huh?

So here's the first section of the recording, from Ch 28, Section 1 titled The Present Memory, which I feel inspired to share with you all.  :-)  If you're interested in the other recordings that I'm doing, feel free to email me and I'll happily send them to you!

Lots of Love,

Aug 8, 2012

Strawberry Fields Forever Music Festival

Dearly Beloved Friends,

I just got back to Petaluma after an incredibly healing week at the Strawberry Fields Forever Music Festival, held at the Living Miracles Monastery in Fruitland, Utah.  The Festival was sort of like a "Course in Miracles Woodstock"... with a full sized outdoor stage, and lots of incredible musicians gracing us with their beautiful music.  Such joy!

For me, the most healing aspect of the Festival was in allowing myself full permission to stop trying to be a "good musician" (or a musician at all), but to instead allow myself to just be!  As many of you know, I've been spending a lot of time these past several months sinking inward in prayer and meditation, learning to hear that "small, still Voice" within and letting go of past self-concepts of the ego.  My self-concept as a "good musician", for example, has been falling away, and in fact, prior to the Festival I was unclear as to whether I was even Guided to go to it, since I wasn't really feeling much inspiration around my music anymore.  Still, all the signs and symbols seemed to be pointing towards me going to the Festival anyway.  And so in order to feel at ease with it, I decided to simply give myself full permission to play music ONLY when it felt like it was truly coming through me from the Spirit of Inspiration, and not out of any sense of trying to please an audience or meet someone's expectations.  For those of you who are familiar with the "no people pleasing" principle, this was going to be about a specific form of that called: "no audience pleasing".  ;-)

And so when it came time early in the week for me to go up on stage to play an hour-long set, I was given an unprecendented opportunity to practice this full-on and face one of my biggest fears: to be in front of a large audience who are expecting me to play music, and yet not feeling inspired to play!  And this is actually what began to happen about a third of the way into my set!  Fortunately though, I stuck to my principles, relaxed through it all, and it turned out to be quite a healing and interesting experience to say the least.  :-)  It was more of an "unperformance" really...

I started off the set by playing a few songs I had been planning to play ("The Wind" by Cat Stevens; "Peace of Mind", an original of mine; "Strawberry Fields Forever" by the Beatles; and "Just Relax", another original) but then felt the wind just come completely out of my sails!  It began when I started having trouble tuning my guitar, and then noticed that I really felt like just meditating rather than playing!  (This was what I had been afraid of might happen.)  I didn't, however, feel completely comfortable with the idea of just closing my eyes and inviting the audience to go inward with me, and so instead of panicking, I simply tried to be as authentic with them as I could.  I basically just shared about what I was experiencing in that moment.  Gradually, the awkwardness began to dissolve a bit, and the audience and I ended up having some playful banter back and forth about my "unperformance".  Then finally, after a bit of that I finally told them that I didn't think I was going to play any more music.  Lol...

I thanked them and walked off stage, and was greeted by a big hug from David who, with much childlike enthusiasm, said, "That was GREAT!"... which I probably desperately needed to hear in that moment!  If I had been anywhere else, I probably would have had lots of angry fans rushing me to ask for their money back.  But at this "Festival of Forgiveness", it was nothing but love and hugs of gratitude!  It gave me a certainty that there really isn't ever anything to fear; that I need not ever fall to the temptation of "audience pleasing", and that so long as I am being authentic and following my heart, it will be healing for all.  Many of the musicians, in fact, came up to me later to thank me for "facing their fears for them".  So that was very reassuring.

Although I didn't play much music on MY set, I did end up playing lots of lead guitar and doing some back-up singing for OTHER musicians at the Festival... including of course, Armelle.  Her set was absolutely beautiful, for it was also a pure demonstration of transcending fear being that it was the first time she had ever sang on a real stage!  She started off by singing her first song a capella ("Remember Who You Are"), and for perhaps the first time ever (in my perception, at least) she sang the whole song perfectly on key with such grace that it literally made me cry!  When she invited me up on stage as planned to play the rest of the set with her, I just became totally overwhelmed with emotion and had to take a few moments of silence before being ready to start playing.

(As an aside, I just gotta say here that in my experience there is NOTHING more exhilarating than being totally raw and shamelessly "naked" in front of many sets of eyes!  From my perspective, this is really what the whole Festival was about.  It was about nothing more than developing the willingness to drop the mask of self-importance, and be completely authentic regardless of how it may look.)

For the rest of Armelle's set, she and I sang four more songs which we'd played and sang together before, and it was an experience of such Joy for us both!   We sang her songs, "Trusting You", "You Can't Be Perfect (Hear Me)", "Only Love", "No Need for More", as well as a beautiful cover song from the movie Once called "Falling Slowly".

From what I hear, the sound engineering team there in Utah is now working on putting all the music from the Festival into a professionally sounding CD, but if you're interested in hearing a rough recording of our sets now, I've embedded the recordings for mine and Armelle's sets below, which David Hoffmeister had graciously recorded on his iPhone.  The sound quality of these recordings is not exactly what the world would call "good" - it's what you might expect from an iPhone recording at a live concert - but if you tune into the FEELING that's present behind the sounds, you will certainly be able to capture a glimpse of the profound Love that was shining through us!

The first one below is the recording of my performance (or "unperformance", if you will), and the one below that is Armelle's, which begins with the end of Lisa Fair's M.C. speech just before introducing Armelle.    Both recordings are approximately 45 minutes long.

Also, if you'd like to hear more of David's iPhone recordings from the Festival, not only of the other musicians, but also including the spirituality talks which David gave each afternoon at the Festival (which were quite deep and profound), you can find it all by visiting his Soundcloud page:

May these recordings lift your Spirit and remind you that there is no need to try being "perfect" in this world.  Our true Self is already Perfect in Eternity, and has never been tainted in the slightest bit by our comical dreams of separateness.

With Love Eternal,

Jun 29, 2012

Armelle's Sunday Service on the theme of "Listening"

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday Service which Armelle gave on April 29th at the Monastery in which she spoke on the theme of "Listening". Just click on the link below, or "right click" to save it to your computer.

With Love,

May 2, 2012

Follow Your Heart!

An incredibly inspiring classic from 1938 about the timeless and most basic lesson of life: FOLLOW YOUR HEART (your Joy, your Bliss, the Holy Spirit, your Intuition, Higher Self, or whatever you prefer to call it)! I just watched it for the second time and cried tears of joy! :-)

You Can't Take It with You (1938)
A man from a family of rich snobs becomes engaged to a woman from a good-natured but decidedly eccentric family.

Mar 19, 2012

Sharing Music at the Oneness Festival

Well after a beautiful three-month hermitage experience at my parents' house in Petaluma, I finally felt a strong inner Calling to go join in with Armelle, David, Jason, Lisa, Suzanne, Jenny, and many more of my "Mighty Companions" over in Fairfield for the Oneness Festival last weekend.  It was a bit overwhelming at first to be around so many people after such a long period of being mostly in silence, but it turned out to be such an incredibly miraculous experience.  It was beautiful to reconnect with so many of those with whom I have such deep vibrational connections.  I could literally feel the Spirit moving through me in a new way as well.  It was almost as though I was a new person, having shed so much of my old self-concept during the prior few months.  And very shortly after I arrived at the Festival, I was given a perfect opportunity by the Spirit to extend this newness!  I was invited to collaborate with my friends Skye and Ken to share some music of ours for the afternoon session, and it was so much fun!  I played a few classic songs (Hallelulah, Let it Be, Imagine), as well as a few of my own songs (Rhythm of the Soul, Peace of Mind, This Disguise) during the session.

A few days after the Festival, I was checking out David Hoffmeister's Spreaker page where he and his tech team regularly upload new audio recordings, and I discovered that the entire music session was recorded and uploaded there!  Therefore, I am happy to be able to share the recording with you here!

It's broken into two parts, which you can listen to below.  In part one of the session, I started off by sharing a bit about my journey, and then played the following songs by request: Hallelulah (Leonard Cohen cover), Let it Be (Beatles cover), Imagine (John Lennon cover), and then Rhythm of the Soul which is an original of mine.  After that, Skye sang a few songs, followed by Ken doing some of his own music.  Simply hit the play button on the audio player below to hear this session:

In part two of the session (below), I sang a couple more originals: Peace of Mind, and a relatively new song I wrote several months ago called This Disguise.  Then Ken finished off the session with a beautiful song to lead us into lunch.  Enjoy!


Jan 4, 2012

A Course in Miracles Song: It's Only Me

The spiritual journey guides us inward and inward toward a final recognition... an Experience of Awakening to our Divine Nature as the Holy Child of God, first by having us recognize that we've been a slave to our own dream of separation, and then by having us learn to take responsibility for our own state of mind... realizing that everyone and everything that appears to be external to us is actually a projection of our OWN mind's wish to remain separate.  Therefore, I wrote (was Given, rather) this song a while back as a means of expressing these ideas as clearly as possible; reinforcing and maintaining awareness of the fact that no matter who or what I THINK is the cause of my experience... it's only me! 

May this song be an inspiring reminder to you that healing is truly possible through the willingness to take 100% responsibility for our state of mind.

With Peace and Love...

P.S.  Scroll further down if you want to see the lyrics.

It's Only Me

Everyone that I see… and everything I perceive… is me.    
And now I’m Free.       
And anytime that I believe... that somebody else is the cause of my grief...
I need... to stop and see I am deceived.

Cause it’s only me.   I am the dreamer of this dream. 
I've just gotta learn to see... it’s only me. 
And when I’m afraid, it’s only of thoughts that I have made. 
There’s no one outside to blame… it’s only me.  And I am Free!

Everything that I perceive… are the projections of my false memory. 
There’s no need to ever take any of it seriously.  :-)
Cause all that’s ever seemed to be of time was just a foolish, fictional storyline. 
But I’m learning that it never really happened... except in my mind!

Cause it’s only me.   I am the dreamer of this dream. 
I just gotta learn to see... it’s only me!
And when I’m afraid, it’s only of thoughts that I have made. 
There’s no one outside to blame… it’s only me.  And I am Free. 
Free... in the Innocence that I see!

And everyone that I see… is just a part of myself who longs to be free…
and I know in my heart, yes I know in my heart we can be!
Cause nothing’s in the way… except an insane thought that says I’m full of shame.  But forgiving You is showing me the Innocence in me.  And I'm Free!
I'm Free… in the Innocence I see!

Yes, I’m free to love and I’m free to shine, I’m free to share this Peace of Mind!
'Cause I’m one with you and you’re one with me and we share same Soul eternally! 
But I fell asleep and I dreamed this dream and now I’ve got to take responsibility…

Cause it’s only me!   I am the dreamer of this dream. 
I just gotta learn to see... it’s only me. 
And when I’m afraid, it’s only of thoughts that I have made. 
There’s no one outside to blame… it’s only me.  And I am Free!

Free… in the Innocence… I see…        

Cause everyone that I see… and everything I perceive… is me.   
And I am...
I Am..
I Am Free.

Jan 3, 2012

Undoing the Belief in Linear Time

This has got to be the deepest and yet clearest talk on spiritual truth that's available on the planet.  It blows my mind WIDE OPEN every time I watch it and take in the ideas deeper and deeper...


Dear Prudence (one of my favorite Beatles songs)

The Beatles wrote MANY remarkable and inspired songs, but this one always stood out for me as such a loving and gentle wake up call to the listener... "Come out to play!  Open up your eyes!  Let me see you smile!  You are part of EVERYTHING!"  Ahhh... may we all heed its words by letting our mind sink into our Heart and let It guide us throughout all of our days and in all of our ways.  It doesn't always seem easy... but it is truly ALWAYS quite simple.  It requires nothing more than that we honor our own heart above ALL ELSE, trusting that what's in our own heart's best interest, is ALWAYS in the best interests of EVERY heart... for it is a living Fact that we are all One...  We share one Heart, one Mind, and one Spirit. And when we choose to trust in our own heart, we are trusting in the One Heart that we all share, and so it is a gift, quite literally, for everyone!

So practice honoring your heart above ALL ELSE, trusting that your mind does not know your own best interests, but that your heart DOES!  You are a precious one, and the choices you make in honor of your Heart go out like a ripple to subconsciously affect EVERYONE to honor their own Heart as well.  I am grateful to you always for these wise choices you make, and know that you cannot fail in reaching the ultimate Goal of awakening to Reality, for it is quite literally... inevitable. 

Love and Blessings to you all forever!

A "Tear-Jerker"!

I was bawling my eyes out throughout this entire video! There is something so DEEPLY touching about people beginning - for the first time perhaps - to give themselves permission to share what's on their heart without holding back. Especially in China, where the society is so repressed that the government even censors the internet! In this video, David Hoffmeister holds a nonjudgmental space for people to open up their heart and share with him their deepest private thoughts, secret desires, hidden shameful memories... as a way of releasing them once and for all. Divine Innocence is then remembered in the hugs and laughter that follow!
Thank you David, for being such a powerful demonstration of Divine Love and Forgiveness in this world! I love you forever...

A Love Song from Jesus...

This is a song I learned several years ago called "The One Who Knows" written by a very talented female singer/songwriter named Dar Williams. I believe she wrote the song for her daughter, but whenever I sing it now, I think of it as somewhat of a Love song from our elder brother, Jesus, or just from the Universal Spirit... to all of us, God's precious children.


Jan 2, 2012

Silence is golden...

This is one of my first original songs, which I wrote back in college, called "Peace of Mind". In this video, I was going to share a little bit of the song's background and personal meaning, but apparently the Spirit had other plans... :-)


I can feel Your Love shine, shine, shine!

This is a song I wrote in 2009 called "Shine Through". It's about surrendering to God's Love and letting it guide and teach me.

Jan 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

With Armelle off in Utah right now, and my parents gone to a party, I had a nice quiet house all to myself to celebrate the New Year in my own perfect way... in meditation.  :-)

And I happened to record a video as well...