Jan 23, 2013

Following Guidance as a Means of Healing Unworthiness

"God's Will for me is Perfect Happiness" is a beautiful reminder from A Course in Miracles (ACIM). If taken to heart, this idea can open up our willingness to listen to and follow His Plan for our Happiness, as opposed to the ego's plan. All fear comes solely from trying to follow our ego's plans, yet the Holy Spirit is ever-present to offer us the Real Alternative. Whatever we seem to need - be it a thought, a word, or a specific action to take - it will always be Given through our willingness to hear only One Voice. Then, through following His Guidance, our belief in unworthiness is gradually washed away in the river of His Love... until ultimately, we are aware of nothing else!

This video clip was taken from a recent ACIM gathering in Cowichan Bay, B.C., Canada, early this month.


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