Jan 23, 2013

Only Love

Only Love - a song written by Armelle and Erik Archbold

Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
Only Love.  Only Love.
There is only Love.

The past is gone, and I have been so mistaken in everything I saw.
Nothing was real.

The past is gone, and all has been forgiven.  It all has been...
my imagination.

Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
Only Love.  Only Love.
There is only Love.

The past is gone.  No more future.  Time and space disappear.
It was just a dream.

Here or there.  In or out.  It's all the same.
No more barriers.

Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
Only Love.  Only Love.
There is only Love.

You and me.  Up and down.  They all collapse.
There is only One.

You and me.  Me and you.  It's over Now.
There is only One.

Only One.  Only One.  Only One.
Only One.  Only One
There is only One.

Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
Only Love.  Only Love.  Only Love.
There is only Love.

I love you.

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