Feb 8, 2010

Message of February 3rd

My very dear Brothers,
Throw down your arms, drop your shields, for the war is over. There
is nothing to resist; the time for surrender has sounded. The
illusion is unmasked. The meaningless is seen as such, and hiding is
no longer possible. Why would you want to, since the rain has stopped
falling and the storm has passed? The sun's rays pierce the sky and
gently warm my beloved Children. Come, it's time to return, you've
played enough, you've lost yourself the better to find yourself. I
love You My Sons, who united are only One. The Revered One that I
never gave up. We are always united by a Love that never runs dry.
For it is our Being and our Light that shines. Your Father longs for
you, because without You He cannot be whole. Only One is missing, and
He is destitute. So, All of You, Worthy Son of Your Father, return
into your Being. Stop searching, be.
I Love You My Dear Brothers...

Translation made by our Friend Andy, thank you sooooooooo much!

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